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Assalamu Alaikum, Is it permissible to shout slogans like "Allahu Akbar" during protests and meetings. Some ahadith disallow reciting Dhikr or Allah's name loudly. Please clarify. regards,
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Assalamu Alaikum, Is there any evidence that the polytheists (mushriks) lived under Prophet (pbuh)'s rule either by paying or not paying Jizya?
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Assalamalaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh how do you explain this " the blood and wealth of a mushrik is halal for a muslim" jazza kallh khairan. salam. abdullahrey
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What has gone wrong with the nation of Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam?.. More
Why are all Western countries developed in spite of the fact that they separate religion from the state? Why are all Muslim countries not advancing?.. More
Is it permissible to appoint Christians to have positions of authority in Muslim countries?
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What is your view on joining an Islamic party?.. More
As-salam 'alakum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu! I have been reading something online that I find extremely disturbing to me! There are some people who call themselves “Muslim Zionists"! Basically, these misguided people support "Israel" over Palestine! I am extremely shocked that there are some people who call themselves “Muslims” and actually.. More
Has Allaah The Almighty willed for us to lag behind other nations?.. More
Is it permissible to form parties in Muslim countries?Is it permissible to join a party for the sake of Islam?.. More
Islam states that Muslims are the most honorable people on earth. Why, then, all this humiliation and indifference that Muslims suffer from all the disbelieving countries? Will Arabs be united one day?.. More
A knowledgeable person attended a conference and accused all the people of being either misleading or misled except the group to which he belonged. He also said that there is nothing called Jihaad in the present time and he requested from the attendants not to give up Palestine, Afghanistan or Chechnya. What is the ruling of Islam on this? .. More
What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on identifying the year 2044 as the year that will mark the end of the state of Israel, through the number of letters and chapters of the Quran and the number of verses? .. More
What is the ruling on the attitude of Muslim scholars in the current situation faced by the Muslim nation? Will they be regarded as sinful? Will they be reckoned on the Day of Judgment for what is going on today in Jerusalem and its surrounding areas?
I have read that the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, receives daily news of the Muslims... More
We supplicate to Allaah The Almighty to save us from the trial of the Antichrist. What is the “Knowledge of Truth”?.. More
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