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After completing 15 years of service, I want to go back to India for good. But I find it very difficult to live there. Imams conduct the prayers very fast and Jumu'ah Khutbah are meaningless and readymade. For everything, we have to expect the help of non-Muslims, be it business, education, social gathering etc. etc. Would you please guide me?.. More
What Israel need from Palestine?
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What's the right of Ahlu ath-Thimmah (non-Muslims living in an Islamic state) regarding their religious practice and their rights in that country?
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I would like to know the status of non-Muslims who are living in an Islamic state... the difference between an Islamic state and a Muslim state... More
How can Muslims and Arab let what is happening to the Palestinians who are our blood, our brothers and sisters, our children dying every second everyday? We just watch them die.
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Why don't the famous religious men make a group any where and just state that they are the leaders and the Arabs should follow only them and its a sin to follow the present Arab leaders and if the people don't reply then we know what liars we are?
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With all of this technology today, why aren't there electronic voting machines to elect Ameer El Momeneen?.. More
When there are elections and both sides are bad and will hurt Muslims, should Muslims avoid voting to not cause any harm?.. More
I am a 24 year Muslim boy from a Ahl Hadith family since my child hood I have worshiped Allah (SWT) alone. I have not associated any partners with Allah (SWT). My question is: Why are Muslims the hatred community in the world?.. More
I'm a university student. I find myself pretty confused in the present situation, with the conditions of the Muslims. I feel that the people who are adhering to the Shari'a are not taking any action and the people who are taking action against non-Muslims are people who lack Islamic knowledge. Am I just aimlessly running, trying to do things as per.. More
I know that it is Haram to stand for the national anthem. Please give me clear evidence from the Qur'an and Hadith so that I can prove that to someone else... More
What is the modern mechanism for Sharia other than Qura'n and Sunnah?.. More
Does the Qur'an say anything about wars which will happen between Israel and Palestine? Does it say what the outcome will be? What does it say about Palestine?.. More
My question is about Muslim immigrants to non-Muslim countries. I have heard an opinion that states that it is Haram for Muslims to immigrate to non-Muslim countries if there is no vital need to do so. Then there is the opinion that if they immigrate for a Halal reasons (such as bettering their life) then it all right but if they immigrate for a Haram.. More
Can a woman be the leader according to Islam? Cite references from the quran and hadith on this matter. I read a book in which a hadith was quoted from the sahih al-bukhari narrated by abi bakr that during the battle of camel he benefited from hadith in which the prophet Muhammad(pbuh) said that a nation will never prosper whose leader is a woman. The.. More
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