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I need to know the Fatwa about having the bells at home.Its a small bell that can be used by shaking it with the hand... More
My brother wants to study in an Egyptian university. Are there sites that could help us in this case?.. More
I need to know any institute or school in Egypt where I can learn Qur'an, Fiqh, Sharia, etc. I graduated five years ago, I live in Egypt/Cairo... More
Is it true for a woman that when she delivers the babe all her sins will be forgiven?.. More
In my school in science we have finished microorganisms and our teacher said the next topic is sex education. I was shocked when I heard that. I want to know if I should stay in the lesson or leave the lesson. Please respond as soon possible... More
Were there people before Adam?.. More
If I were to make a presentation for a school project and the topics could be1) Jinn?2) Dreams?3) Day of resurrection?4) Miracles in the Qur'an?5) Other?What do you think will benefit students to know most about?.. More
What is the role of Islam on environmental conservation?.. More
What do you think about Seyyed Hossein Nasr, University Professor of Islamic Studies at George Washington University and his opinions on Islamic doctrines of cosmology?.. More
One of my friends had an argument with his Buddhist friend, his question hurt my friend's feelings very much but he had no answer for the question. So please shed some light on it. In Buddhist philosophy there is no god, every thing came from nature. According to their thoughts our concept of God and prophets are just fictions and fairy tales. He asked.. More
What Allah (SW) likes most? What dislikes most?.. More
A scholar told me that there are some plants which are blessed by Allah and have solutions for protecting you from a knife or even a gun. Is that true?.. More
How to obtain success and prosperity in this world and the Hereafter? What kind of success does Islam want its Ummah to gain from this world?
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Please I want to know whether Nabi Adam (A.S) was the first human being on the earth? What is the history of earth before him? What is the approximate time of human beings on the earth? What is the Islamic attitude (hukm) of the person who says that Nabi Adam (A.S) is not the first man?
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How long time do you take to answer a question?.. More
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