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السلام عليكم و رحمه الله و باراكاته
I pray you are well. Please advise: I am am married to an Iraqi who is on the 10 year visa program to get british citizenship. He is at the beginning of his 3rd 2.5 year visa. We have 2 children aged 5 and 2. I have wished to depart and live in his home country for many years due to fearing.. More
My father went to a small store, obtained an item, and stood in line in order to purchase it. The line was long and my father's item was small (cup of coffee), so one of the workers said to him to just leave with it (without paying), so he did that. I assume that the worker was not allowed to do such a thing. I do not feel that this is halaal, as I.. More
Assalamualikum, Allah (swt) drowned the people of Noah, was the sole reason disbelief in Allah? I would also like to know the nature of these people, is there something that they used to do wicked, evil?
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Asalamu Alaikum,
I am in a situation where my family is sinful. Because of their sinfulness my iman has been negatively affected. I have no other family to stay with. What should I do?
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Salam alaykoum
I work as a staff accountant with a company that resells computer hardware and software as well as provide IT service.
One of my duties is to pay the corporate taxes. Because the company is a start up company we are trying to get everything smoothed out but some corporate taxes have been missed for some states, I’ve gotten late filing.. More
My husband has divorced me for some misunderstanding between us. Now that he is non mahram to me. Can I make duaa for him to Allah so that his mind changes and he again becomes interested in marrying me? Sorry for my bad English.
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Is Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala referred to in Quran 3:54 and Quran 8:30 as "the best of planners" or "best of deceivers"? I'm debating a christian and they say it should be translated best of deceivers not planners. Is this true? What does it mean that Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala deceives others when he is the truth? Christians argue that the God of the.. More
Asalamu alaikum. What is the difference between insha' Allah and Masha' Allah and when is the appropriate time to use each one ?
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Salam Aleykoum everyone, i hope you're doing okay, i won't be too long.
I'm 17yo, I live in a Algeria, which is a Muslim country, and since my childhood, i've had some problems socially talking. My family is religious and i was raised in that way (Al-Hamdulilah), and where i live, most people say that they believe and stuff (only Allah knows the truth),.. More
does an act of worship that is fardh kifayah like funeral prayer, means that the knowledge about that act of worship is also fardh kifayah to learn?
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Assalamu alaikum, I provide head message services to males only. My question is if I agree to provide message for 15 minutes in return for 100 buks, but the customer tells me to quit after 10 minutes then can I take the full 100 buks or should I just take the amount for 10 minutes?
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I know that having the intention of pleasing Allaah whilst doing permissible things (e.g. smiling at your brother or studying at university) turns these permissible things into acts of worship you can be rewarded for. But how about things like praying, serving parents, reading Qur’aan? Do you need to have the intention of pleasing Allaah whilst doing.. More
Why is that when I married it's now two years back I lost almost everything I had , business, house, money, so my question is , is there a person if bad luck in Islam. But I love my wife , she's so religious, well-behaved , very patience woman. If so what can I do ?
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I find it almost impossible to fall asleep on my right side, and I always end up rolling to my left side to go to sleep, it is so much for comfortable to me for no apparent reason. Does this mean I am a shayatin or that I'm cursed by Allah? I know this sounds crazy but its been worrying me, is this a thing?
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a personalised number plate costs USD 750 and the money is paid to the Government. a personlised number plate looks nicer on a vehicle and does not reveal the age of the vehicle. Can I buy a personalised plate (it will show only my initials, not my full name) , given that it is nicer/ more beautiful than a conventional number plate, and given that the.. More
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