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If a brother puts a requirement on the nikkah paper that he wants his wife to never have been with a man before but she has repented from a past of close to zina actions, is she allowed to deny this with the intention of "The one who repents from sin is like one who did not sin"? Or would it count as a lie?
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Asalaam aleykoum. In the country I live in, a student can get what I Think is called funding or some money from the state while the person is studying. As soon as you start studying they pay you the Money for that month. They make a plan, for example for many months in advance.Now is it permissble to get that Money in "advance" or do I have to receive.. More
اسلام عل??م ورحمة الله وبركاته
Can I play games in order to keep away from temptations and desires of heart.I have a strong desire for orgasm when alone.but when I watch kids cartoons or play games,I forget temptations.Is there any cure for passion for those who cannot fast because they are sick(.poor health
جزاكاالله.. More
Assalamu alaikkum
Muslim Al-Makkee narrated: “Once I saw Ibn Az-Zubair RA go into Ruku so I read surah al-Baqarah, Aali Imraan, an-Nisaa’ and al-Maa’idah and he did not raise his head!” [Az-Zuhd of Abu Dawud, p. 348]
The above is authentic or notjQuery11100763377694513097_1579586809842
I know that it takes three hours to complete the four.. More
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, when eating from popular food outlets such as Burger King, Pizza Hut etc you have to talk, look at the person taking your order who is also the cashier, if chances are that it is most likely woman then they don't wear hijab and clothes like t-shirt and pant, in the sense it is revealing their awra. Also Music.. More
I have this non Muslim friend who recently started getting interested in Islam . I answered all the questions she wanted to know. But yesterday she contacted me saying her world turned upside down since she started believing in Allah swt and her husband threatened her with divorce and taking away her four kids. What advice shall I give.. More
Aoa. I am 20 and married. My husband loves me very much. There is a girl who was a friend of mine knew about our relationship but she still tried to approach my husband and tried talking to him and making him like her. She offered my husband that she'll marry him and wait for him and will always be available for him if we ever end up breaking. This.. More
Asalam alaykum,
My sister goes to a catholic school where they require them to attend mass which is a Christian religious service if the parents don't opt them out of it. There they sing which is their way of worship and it obviously includes words of kufr. She only moves her mouth without actually saying anything because if she didn't move her mouth.. More
Assalam aalekum sheikh there is Hadith in sunan nasai 1833( the book of funerals) and ibne majah 1614( the chapters regarding funerals) if a man dies other than his birth place a space will be measured for him in paradise from the place he was born to the place where he died . What is the meaning of above Hadith does this mean such big will be the size.. More
Assalam Valaikum,
Kindly answer my below questions (are somewhat weird ) :
1) What is the difference between an intersex person and a transgender ?
Is there any sin upon them ?
2) I nowadays see many girls engaged in haraam relationships with boys. If in case a boy is looking for a bride, how can he know if that girl is a virgin ?
I know that the.. More
I do understand that celebrating one's birthday is Haram. So what about celebrating an institution's "birthday" (the date when the institution was established) by holding social/charitable acts?
For example, a school was established on 11 March 1970. And on March 2020 (not exactly on 11 March 2020) the school plan to hold a series of good.. More
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, is shaming through the use of word gold digger foriegn to Islam? Is this a western concept? Am I right is saying that if someone marries because of his/her wealth then we cannot use the word gold digger as it has a western meaning which results in shaming. Also how did the earlier generation of Muslim meaning.. More
Why is it that when some Muslims hear music, or they see women, they are not affected by it? I consider myself to be a good Muslim, but when sometimes when I hear music it bothers me and I hate it. Or when I see non mahram women not dressed properly, I feel an awful feeling, like distress. Why do Muslims when they see sin, they don't do or say anything.. More
My name is Arshad. I am from India (State of Kerala). Presently I am working in Qatar. I am born to a muslim parents. But I have lived a very short life as a muslim. From my chidhood, I was not observing my salah properly. I started praying regularly after I reached puberty but this lasted only for 1 or 2 years. Then I stopped praying due to some thoughts.. More
Assalamu Alaikum.
In the Qur'an, it states that the universe was created in six days. But science tells us that the universe is billions of years old.
How do we reconcile between these two facts?
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