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I have heard the following narration from a scholar is this incident authentic or any similar incident and if yes what is the reference to this and in which book it is taken from : In the first war of Syria, there was a regiment of 8,000 people with Amr Bin Aas [ra]. It was the first war in the reign of Abu Bakr Siddique [ra]. Romans were 100,000 in.. More
Assaalmaulikum wa rahmatullahi wabarakaatuhWhat is the ruling on parking cars in streets? As a result the street becomes narrow. But the people do not have any choice because there are no parking lots. Rarely you might find, but even that may not occupy all the cars. So, street parking is a common norm.
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Selaam alaykum,I am university student in the west. I am having difficulty dealing with my classmates. Alhamdulillah I am practicing Muslim. I pray 5 times a day and I try to read Quran at least twice a weak. But I couldn’t handle sitting in the class with non believers or non righteous people. They way they treat me as a muslim and they see me down.. More
A husband is an online teacher who teaches men and women. The structure of the class is that his students does not see him, but they see him. They may purchase books from him for his class or find those specific books online for free. They take down notes on what he is writing in the background and sometimes he will allow each of them to repeat through.. More
Assalamu'alaykum. I would like to resend this because the fatwa referred hasn't answered my question which focuses on the assumption of what she is liable for. A girl used to take money with force from another children. She only remembers that she took these money during the 3rd grade of her elementary school. She doesn't remember how much money she.. More
Is it true that if 2 Muslims had a fight and 1 of them wronged the other, never returns that Muslim's right, Allah will not accept from these 2 Muslims of their good deeds on the night of 15th of Shaban and Ramadan as long they live on this earth until The Angle of Death comes to take their soul away? I heard on the 15th of Shaban, that Allah will forgive.. More
Salam AlaikumThis question is a little complex.Is it bad that i want to focus on myself and my life more than others? I'm not saying I think I'm better than anyone, what I'm saying is I like to concentrate on my personality and my life first before anyone else. I give myself much more time and effort more than everyone else. Is that a wrong mentality.. More
Assalamualaikum, Is it permissible to ask Allah to wipe away memories of a traumatic event? A while back I went through an extremely traumatic event. It's been very debilitating for me because it plunged me into severe depression and I keep being haunted by the memories every second of the day. I cannot sleep, and even if I sleep I keep seeing dreams.. More
: If publishers/authors/co authors/editors/alike of books /journals /reports/research papers/alike etc do unethical practices(of whatever types ) in course of writing,producing ,editing,publishing works ,does it make me unlawful for me to download ,buy & read their works both in internet & real life even topics are permitted/lawful/halal? Does.. More
Assalam o Alaikum!My question is:Did Almighty Allah create every person with equal abilities like intelligence, wisdom, cleverness, logic or we are different by birth. In general life if a task is given to a intelligent and clever person he will do it efficiently while a dull or less intelligent person may put huge efforts and still unable to do task.. More
I only recently accepted Islam into my life, but I was raised as a Christian. As a result, I own many things that are haram, especially things carrying images. There are many charity organizations around me that ask for such things, because I live in a non Muslim country where many poor and homeless people do not care whether there are images on their.. More
Asalaam aleykoum wa rahmatullah,If a person works in a mixed school/university in the west and have to registrate students in courses (which can be mixed) will the person then be contributing to free mixing? Will the person be responsible for the bad consequenses that may result from it? Is this job lawful? Barak'Allahu feekom.
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If the Jesus of the Bible were asked, as you quoted from Qur’an 5:116-118, whether he had said, “Worship me and my mother as two gods besides Allaah,” he would certainly deny it, but not exactly as the Qur’an says. I don’t know of anyone -- in any Christian sect or otherwise -- who claimed that Mary is God, so that’s easy to deny. As for.. More
Aslaam alaikum sheikh1. In history why I see Muslims were severely defeated and humiliated and killed in Millions by Mongols did Muslims at that time became very sinful? Please can you tell in which sins they indulged so that I can avoid Allah's wrath.
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alsalam alaikumi have 2 questionsfirst one is about time travel (which i know is impossible) in fiction novels and game for exampe a character going to the past ? and is it kufr to enjoy such fiction?about game set 2030 or some other time in which they say for example this game is set in the near future so is this haram or halal?
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