Be patient, and your patience is not but through Allaah

19-1-2012 | IslamWeb


Salam alaikum, I am Muslima for 2.5 years now,I tried to connect to sisters but failed.They were very unfriendly,irgnorant,arrogant to me.Also all attempts to find a husband failed.I even once contacted a Sheikh for that reason and he didn't answer me.Also I got molested in a mosque and for all those reasons I get panic attacks to go to mosque.A year ago I lost my job after I spoke out that I was mobbed for racists reasons for 2 years and said that I would wish to wear my hijab also at work.The new job offer I didn't take because again they didn't allow me to wear my hijab,and my Muslim works council,one of the most prominent Muslims in my country who officially "represents" the community and also works as politician in the city hall of my city,"insulted" me as Wahhabi/Salafi and claimed I just want to play a Martyr instead of helping me.Now one year later I still wasn't able to find a job with my hijab and from today on I don't even have a cent left to buy food.I have already sold all my gold jewellery to help a brother in need,at a time when I had enough money.I will no try to sell the rest of my jewellery.I know Allah is either testing or punishing me,and He teaches me humility and patience through it-alhamdulillah.I put my trust in Him,pray to Him and make Duaa, for He is al-Wahhab, ar-Razzaaq, ar-Rahman, ar-Raheem.But if all fails,would it be forgivable if I work 10 h/week just that I have enough money for food and meds?Under these circumstances,is it better to marry a man who is heedless towards Islam,listens to music,mixes &mingles with women in real life and on the Internet,who makes Takfir on the rulers and the noble scholars and thinks what ObL did in the last few years is good and right?So far I rejected those men,out of fear to be led astray and even worse,my in sha Allah future children,because they denied it when I showed them proof from Qur'an and Sunnah and claimed it was not true and laughed about it and me.Please advise me.May Allah reward you!


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) is His slave and Messenger.

First of all, you should know that affliction is not necessarily due to a sin that a person had committed; rather, it might be just a mere test so that the person’s status may be increased in the sight of Allaah.

The Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) said: "The greatness of the extent of the reward is proportional to the greatness of the affliction. When Allaah loves some people, He afflicts them. So, those of them who are content [satisfied] get the reward of being content while those who get angry [dissatisfied] get the punishment for being discontent [dissatisfied]." [At-Tirmithi]

Therefore, we advise you to be patient as there is much good in patience in both this worldly life and the Hereafter as we clarified in Fatwa 83577.

Hence, you should supplicate to Allaah as supplication is the weapon of the believer and the means for achieving his wishes. Indeed, Allaah is near and He answers the supplication of whoever supplicates Him. For more benefit on the etiquette and conditions of supplicating, please refer to Fataawa 83421 and 88296.

There is no doubt that Hijab is an Islamic obligation and a woman is not permitted to neglect it except for a necessity. So, if there is no one to spend on you and you have to work, and you are forced by necessity to take off your Hijab, then it becomes permissible for you to do so only according to necessity and Allaah will not hold you accountable for it; for more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 91770.

On the other hand, you should continue to look for a pious husband to marry, who will help you dispense with work and spend on you. Also, it is permissible for you to propose yourself to someone whom you want to marry provided you abide by the Islamic conditions as clarified in Fatwa 82471.

Finally, we do not advise you to accept to marry the man whom you described in the question who has all those bad qualities as he is not pleasing in his religion and conduct.

Allaah Knows best.