Ways of slaughtering in Australia

30-3-2003 | IslamWeb


In Australia it is illegal to slaughter meat in jungles and farms or any other places away from the DPI eyes. Anyone caught can be given a fine starting from 10000 Australian. In spite of the illegality, many Muslims slaughter in these illegal spots mainly because it is cheaper than butcher shops. Some others also claim that this way ensures that the meat is Halal although we have organizations run by Muslims regulating Halal processing.We also offer our sacrifice in the same illegal manner.We would like to know if the meat we eat, although slaughtered by Muslims is really Halal as we are breaking the law of the country.


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.

Eatable animals that are slaughtered in accordance with Shari'a are Halal, whether they are slaughtered on a farm, in the open, or at a slaughterhouse.
We tell the inquirer that a Muslim should abide by regulations applied in the country where he lives as long as it does not contradict Shari'a.
Then, it is Haram for a Muslim to expose himself/property to dangers, since safeguarding oneself and one's property is an Islamic obligation.
Also, violating rules and regulations established in some country subjects one to humiliation and indignity and exposes his property to danger and loss.
In this vein, the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said: "A Muslim should not humiliate himself". The Prophet's companions said: 'How does it (humiliation) come?' The Prophet replied: "He exposes himself to an unbearable ordeal" . [ Ahmad, al-Tirmizi and Ibn Majah from Huzaifah Radiya Allahu Anhu.]
Allah knows best.
