Nurses' uniform

8-9-2003 | IslamWeb


In our country the nurses wear uniform which do not cover the Awrah. It is a pity that our Muslim woman take nursing as a career but then not able to quit it because of there are very interested in it. But some of them come and go to work with proper Hijab but only at working place they change to uniform. What is the ruling in Islam regarding this?


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions. Basically a woman's place is her home, she should not go out except for a sound necessity Allah Says (interpretation of meaning): {And stay in your houses,…}[33:33]. If a woman is not in need of work then it is better for her to stay at her home, taking care of her husband, children and looking after the matters of her home. No doubt, this is a significant form of worship and the best work for her. However, working out of her house is permissible provided she observes the rulings of Shariah; such as wearing complete Hijab, staying away from mixing with men, not staying in seclusion with them, etc. Also, she should not put any perfume when going out side. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said: If a woman uses perfume and passes the people so that they may get its odour, she is a Zaniyah (fornicator/adulteress) . Working in a mixed environment is strictly forbidden for a woman except if she meets three conditions: 1. She is compelled to work because there is no one who can take care of her and fulfill her necessities. 2. She cannot find any place of work free from mixing and cannot work in her house as dressmaker, typist or the like. 3. She should wear the complete Islamic Hijab since it is an obligation that cannot be neglected. As for the conditions of an Islamic Hijab, please read the Fatwa: 81554. In the light of the above details you may realize the ruling of a woman who works as a nurse. When the above-mentioned conditions are met working is permissible for a woman; otherwise, every Muslim and Muslimah are obliged to fear Allah and avoid disobeying His Commands. Allah knows best.