Lying to uncle's wife to stop her from having lustful relations

3-5-2006 | IslamWeb


Alsalam Dearest brothers/sisters, i have a major problem i have a question but there is long story behide it i will try and make it as short as possiable. I have an uncle who is married and has 3 kids but his wife is cheating on him with his newphew(my cousin) and he is married too. His wife (the nephews) confronts him as she sees messages on his phone and them talking alot in family get togathers, they fight alot about it and there has been huge problems with the wives. Almost eveymonth there is a major problem between the wives.And almost eveyone around them in the family knows about this, besides my uncle. no one would dare tell my uncle but my cousin and my aunt have spoken to her to leave him alone but it never happened. Nobody is really sure to what level their relationship has gone, i mean if they have commited zina or not, but we cant stop them i fear that my uncle will find out but in a horriable way! Question: is it ok if i lie to her telling her that i had a dream that my uncle found out to see if she gets scared and back away, will it be counted as a lie for me? i need your help big time PLEASE answer quickly also what should we do what can we do? im sorry if the question is too long. Zajakum allahu kharen.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. We ask Allaah to exalt his mention as well as that of his family and all his companions.


If the wife of your uncle has established this affectionate relationship with your cousin then she is indeed very wrong, as she is negligent about the rights of her Lord and the rights of her husband. Whoever knows this relationship between them should remind her of Allaah. If she gives up, all perfect praise be to Allaah, otherwise you may threaten her to inform her husband about the matter, as this may deter her; but it is not permissible to lie to her. If she persists, one should inform her relatives who may put an end to this relationship which could lead to adultery, otherwise one should inform her husband by insinuating to him to protect his wife, and the like.

Finally, it should be noted that it is not permissible to accuse anyone of committing adultery except with clear evidence; otherwise this is accusing a chaste person of adultery. Moreover, advising and threatening to inform the husband apply also to this man who is your cousin, if what is mentioned is confirmed about him. To conclude, one should be wise in dealing with the matter.

Allaah Knows best.