Rejecting a gift after receiving it

4-9-2007 | IslamWeb


assalm alai kum, i just would like to clear my doubt. about a gift i gave to my in-law .they took it when i gave to them but after keeping and not using it for 2 years they returned me back saying they have lot of these. i had no intentions to take it back .but i was forced .did i do something wrong or a sin by taking it back? thank you .


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) is His slave and Messenger.


We hope that there is no harm for the enquiring sister to take her gift that was given back by her relatives without her requesting if. The jurists have clearly mentioned that it is allowed for a donor to own the gift he has gifted to others and this is not considered as taking back his gift. However, it is disliked for a person to reject a gift without any Islamicly valid reason for the Prophetic narration “Do not reject a gift”.

Allaah Knows best.