There are 2034 articles

  • Trustworthiness Is the Trait of the Elite

    All praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Seal of Allah’s Messengers and his family, Companions, and those who followed his guidance.Trustworthiness is a characteristic of the elite, from Allah’s Prophets and Messengers,and those who followed their path from the righteous and the faithful people.Contemplate when the king.. More

  • Altruism Is the Language of the Great Persons

    Author: Dr. Khalid Sa`d Al-Najjar Altruism is the greatest hidden and apparent ornament. It is a sign of one’s firm belief and strong trust in what the Most Beneficent has provided him. It is a mark of loving one’s brothers, and proof of a soul free from the poison of selfishness, greed, and egotism. The true believer, who sincerely.. More

  • Keenness on Agreement and Unity

    Author: Dr. Muhammad Al-Hamoud An-Najdi All praise be to Allah and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, his Family, Companions, and those who followed their guidance. The steadfastness of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah in adhering to the Quran and the Sunnah, and preserving unity and harmony within the community, is one of the most.. More

  • Swimming in the Ocean of Allah’s Bounties

    Author: Dr. Khalid Sa`d Al-Najjar In a shabby room atop the roof of one of the houses, a poor widow led with her young child a simple life in difficult circumstances. That family had lost much, but they were granted the blessing of contentment and gratitude. The winter season, with its heavy rains, was a constant worry for them, as the room consisted.. More

  • Make the Most out of Ramadan!

    Ramadan is just around the corner. It will be a great blessing for those of us who live to see it and pick its invaluable fruits. It is a time of Taqwa (piety), of Eeman (faith), and of Ihsan (excellence). It's time for renovation of faith, for renewal of our pledge to Allah Almighty, for refueling our soul for the onslaughts the next year holds for.. More

  • The Muslim between Mixing and Isolation

    Author: A Sermon by Shaykh Salih bin Humayd All praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, Companions, and those who followed him. To start: I advise you and myself to fear Allah, the Almighty. So fear Allah, may He have mercy on you, and magnify His commands and prohibitions. Adhere to sincerity in worship,.. More

  • Al-Istisqa in the Prophetic Biography

    In Arabic, ‘istisqa’ means seeking rain. In the Islamic Sharia, it refers to supplicating Allah Almighty for rain during times of drought or scarcity. Sound human nature instinctively turns to Allah alone for help and support in times of hardship and need. Allah, the Exalted, says: “Is He [not best] Who responds to the desperate one.. More

  • Oppression and Deceit ... and the Inevitable Punishment

    By Dr. Saeed Abdul-Azim In the name of Allah, all praise is due to Allah, and may peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, his Family, his Companions, and those who follow his guidance. Divine law recognizes neither favoritism nor leniency: “… and you will not find in the way of Allah any change.” [Quran 33:62] “….. More

  • Strength in Religion: A Trait of Believers

    By Dr. Saeed Abd-ul-Azim Strength in religion—the strength to adhere to it and patiently endure trials for its sake—is a manifestation of true fortitude. It is the hallmark of the Prophets, Messengers, and those who righteously follow them until the Day of Judgment. Steadfastness in the religion of Allah and courageously proclaiming the.. More

  • The Reality of Tawheed and Its Connection to Outward and Inward Actions

    The foundation, essence, and ultimate goal of the religion is the oneness of Allah (Tawheed) and devoting all worship to Him. This begins with the declaration of the two testimonies of faith (Shahadatan): the testimony that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Through these, a person enters Islam... More

  • Anchors of Relief: Three Phrases

    Enveloped in triple darkness—the darkness within the belly of a massive sea creature, the darkness of the turbulent ocean depths, and the darkness of a storm-choked sky—buffeted by fierce winds that whipped the waves into towering mountains and tossed ships precariously, a pure and sincere plea pierced these layers of darkness and ascended.. More

  • The Etiquettes of Gatherings

    People are naturally inclined towards gatherings, where they exchange experiences, hold consultations, and share ideas. Humanity has engaged in gatherings since its earliest days on this planet. Rarely does a day pass without individuals participating in one or more gatherings. These gatherings vary based on people’s inclinations, interests,.. More

  • Do Not Hate One Another

    Praise be to Allah, Who brought the hearts of His pious servants together, so that, by His favor, they became brethren. May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon the bearer of glad tidings and warner, with whom Allah has brought the hearts of the believers together, and for those who follow him and obey him, He assured forgiveness of sins. The.. More

  • Going Against Unlawful Inclinations Is your Way to Paradise

    All praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Prophet and Mustafa (chosen one), Muhammad ibn `Abdullah, his family, Companions, and those who adopt his Sunnah and follow his example and guidance. Allah, the Almighty, clarified to His servants that the way to salvation from Hell and admittance into Paradise is to struggle against the soul,.. More

  • Ma‘iyyat Allah as Stated in the Quran

    The doctrine followed by Ahl-us-Sunnah w-al-Jama‘ah (adherents to the Sunnah and the Muslim mainstream) is to follow the righteous predecessors in relation to the Names and Attributes of Allah. This doctrine states that the Beautiful Names and Exalted Attributes of Allah, the Almighty, are those evidenced by His Book and the Sunnah of His Prophet.. More