1. Women
  2. Personal

There are 227 articles

  • Hijabis without Hijab

    The woman’s Hijab is no trivial matter to be left for fashion designers to misuse or divert from its essence and transform into a dress just like any other that is far from the Sharee‘ah approved Hijab. The Hijab is religion and identity, and through it the woman worships her Lord, draws near to Him and is known and distinguished. Does Hijab.. More

  • Women and depression

    By: Michelle Al-Nasr Depression is more rampant among women than among men. Why? Allah Almighty Says in a Sacred Hadeeth:“...Be mindful of Allah, you will find Him before you. Get to know Allah in prosperity and He will know you in adversity. Know that what has passed you by was not going to befall you; and that what has befallen you was not.. More

  • “Hijab is Ultimate Freedom”

    Hijab (Islamic covering) has become a highly controversial issue in the West in general and in France in particular after the ban on wearing Hijab in its public schools and other places. This ban came as part of the policy of racial discrimination and negative attitudes towards Islam, which aims at eliminating the means of understating the importance.. More

  • The veil of deliverance

    What is it about the veil that makes it so important for Muslim women? Allah Almighty Says (what means): {And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their head covers over their chests and not.. More

  • My parents have divorced

    Faatimah was an excellent student who used to give quick answers to questions posed by her teachers. She was known for her sociability, sense of humor, intelligence, strong personality, and self-confidence. Her scores were the highest among her classmates. For Faatimah, the world was a wonderful place and she was optimistic and enthusiastic about her.. More

  • Ostentation

    There is an abundance of proof in the Quran and Sunnah regarding the impermissibility of ostentation; and those who show off are often dispraised, as when Allah The Almighty Said (what means): {So woe to those who pray*[But] who are heedless of their prayer -*those who make show [of their deeds]} [Quran 107:4-6]; and, {So whoever would hope for the.. More

  • The Key to Paradise

    Imagine: There is a path to Paradise and as we move along the path, with the very first step we find a huge signboard on which the following is written: "Hijab…the key to Paradise." Naturally, in order to gain entry to Paradise, we have to know the merits and characteristics of Hijab (Islamic covering). Hijab fosters piety Allah The.. More

  • The Vast Mercy of Allah The Almighty - II

    Concealing sins and forgiving them in the Hereafter: Ibn `Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, reported, “I heard the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, saying: 'Allah The Almighty will bring a believer close to him on the Day of Resurrection, enveloping him in His Mercy and shielding him from the people. Allah will make him.. More

  • Adhering to the Truth in Times of Fitnah – II

    c- Instilling the principles of mercy, love, generosity, altruism, chivalry, and sympathy among family members, relatives and society. You should develop a sense of responsibility, social solidarity and team work among them, so they can help the needy, collect charity, food and clothing and participate in relieving the wounded and sick people during.. More

  • Adhering to the Truth in Times of Fitnah – I

    We should neither be deceived by the many sects, parties, groups, and misleading leaders who call towards Fitnah (trial), nor should we pay attention to them. The Ummah (nation) will only be reformed by following what the righteous predecessors followed. It will only be reformed by referring to the Quran and the Sunnah (tradition) according to the way.. More

  • Nourish Your Child's Body and Mind

    As parents, we try to protect our children from anything and everything that we feel may harm them. We warn them of the dangers of strangers; we teach them the importance of safety on the playground and during other outdoor activities; we caution them about crossing the street. But how much care and concern do we have about their nutrition and the food.. More

  • Fashion - I

    Seeking to follow fashion is a serious social problem that faces Muslim societies in the shade of their economic and social deterioration. The human soul always longs for beauty and admires it. Beauty is a bounty from Allah The Almighty who Grants it to whom He Wishes. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, informed us that beauty is an.. More

  • Fashion - II

    Effects of Tabarruj: There are many effects of Tabarruj: Indecency becomes widespread, desires prevail, immoral behaviors emerge, families are corrupted, divorce becomes common and the chastity of women is abused. Then, after all this, comes a complete collapse of all moral values. Hijab Is Freedom: Allah The Exalted ordained women to wear the Hijab.. More

  • Do not disdain wearing Hijab

    O my noble sister! If you live in a non-Muslim country, or are forced (by necessity) to travel outside the Muslim countries that adhere to the Hijab (Islamic covering), do not disdain wearing your Hijab under the pretext that it is unfamiliar to the inhabitants of those (non-Islamic) countries, and that (by wearing it) you would attract their sight.. More

  • In Allah’s Hands alone - II

    The power of Allah The prophets of Allah, peace be upon them, and those who possess religious knowledge keep away from things which cloud their judgment in any situation. First and foremost, they know that there are no Asbab (means or ways) to anything except by the expressed Will of Allah. It is following the commands and prohibitions that Allah Almighty.. More