Allah, the Almighty Loves deliberation - I

,Dear brothers and sisters, if you think about the negative results of many of our deeds, you would find that rashness and lack of deliberation are the main reasons behind losing what we want. Deliberation means not being hasty in seeking anything and acting purposefully to gain it. Consider how Allah, the Almighty disapproves of haste. Allah, the Almighty Says (what means): {O you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest... More

Allah, the Almighty Loves deliberation - II

We should be deliberate and not hasty in our speech. What makes us act hastily in any matter, without giving it careful consideration? As long as we are in the process of thinking and have not uttered any words or done an action, we still have the privilege of choice. However, once we have uttered the words or done the action, then we have no choice but to wait for the results. Do you not see how many people are in prison and if you asked them, they would all say in one... More

Dangerous Practices

The Muslim's attitude towards Valentine's Day

The Muslim's attitude towards this holiday should be clear: 1- A Muslim should not celebrate this pagan festival, or join others in their celebrations of it, or attend their celebrations because it is forbidden to celebrate the festivals of non-Muslims. Ath-Thahabi, may Allah... More

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The Quran

Prophet Muhammad

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