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2404 fatwas

  • Needs to say Isha prayer after sleeping

    I am a woman and work in an office. I have gone through a lot of problems which have made me quite tiresome. I work full time and by the time I reach home it is almost Maghrib. I say my prayers and then eat something. After eating I become drowsy and find it difficult/hard to say my Isha prayers. What do, I go to sleep and then get up. Sometimes,.. More

  • Two names for Salat al-Fajr

    What is the difference between Salat al-Fajr and Salat al-Subh?.. More

  • Number of Rawaatib Prayers

    I would like to know the details of voluntary Raka'h of prayer per day. I know the obligatory Raka'h but I need to know Sunnah prayers as per different scholars; viz. Imam Shafi , Malik , Hambali , etc. .. More

  • Direction of Mecca from North America

    Which direction is Mecca from North America? I believe that it is southeast but many mosques and people in North America pray northeast... More

  • Movement of the lips and tongue when silently praying

    Does person need to move his lips and his tongue when making Dhikr, Du'a and making Salah (in a time when voice cannot be loud) or it is possible to make it by heart, in his mind only?.. More

  • Making Du'a within Salah

    Is it possible to make your own Du'a (I don't mean Dhikr) inside Fard Salah, for example: in Sajdah? Is it Sunnah or you need to do it after you finish making Salat?.. More

  • Praying while wearing make-up

    Can a woman pray wearing make-up?.. More

  • Prayer Times in Australia

    I am an Omani student studying in Australia, but I don't know when I should pray. I want to ask you about pray times. .. More

  • Wanting to break wind during Salah

    Is it true that when you are saying the Salat (i.e. Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, or Isha) and you want to break wind but you did not, that you have to perform Wudu again and repeat you Salat?.. More

  • Feeling desire to urinate during Salah

    When someone is if Salat (prayer) and he finds that he has a desire to urinate he must stop the prayer and repeat it after urinating. But, when we have a little desire that will not disturb us should we stop the prayer? I found the Hadith that said that the man who is disturbed by the desire of urinating or passing wind his prayer will not be accepted... More

  • Praying Jumu'ah in Mosque with a Tomb

    My apologies for asking this question once again. It is because that I need a little more clarification. For your valuable answer concerning the performance of Salat in Masjid (s) with tombs inside. What should one do in the case of performing the obligatory Jumu'ah Prayers in a Masjid with a tomb? I work in a town that has only one Masjid which has.. More

  • Times to make up missed prayers

    Can I pray the missed obligatory prayers after the dawn prayer, or the Asr prayer, if I am fear I will miss the present obligatory prayers? .. More

  • Suspicion of impurity after praying

    Once I found few stain on my shirt I was suspicious whether it was impurity like drops of blood or chewed betel leaf fluid. In fact the color was faded reddish brown. I then remembered that already I had offered Salat al-Fajr wearing the shirt. My question is that was it necessary for me to offer Salat again out of suspicion? .. More

  • Standing Shoulder-to-Shoulder, Ankle-to-Ankle in Prayer

    I have heard that when standing in prayer, one has to stand shoulder-to-shoulder, ankle-to-ankle. I have seen Hadith that says shoulder to shoulder but not ankle to ankle. Does the Hadith supporting ankle to ankle exist? If so please quote it. .. More

  • Time of Jumu'ah Prayer

    I am living in Italy and for the prayer of the Friday I got to the mosque. I observed that they make 'al-Azan' before the schedule time of Al-Zuhr (16 minutes before). Consequently, the 'Khutbah' starts also before this schedule time. However, the Salah itself is done after the schedule time. When I asked for an explanation, the responsible of the.. More