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Assalamu alaykum, I have been through difficult times since about two month ago with Qur'an revision (I've memorised it completely) and with high school studies, but it has become more difficult with an increased sexual desire (I have been battling it since I was 16 and now I'm 18) and I feel tempted to masturbate to relieve my urges but I'm resisting.. More
Asalamu alaykom. I was expiating for breaking an oath by fasting three days. Someone asked me why I was fasting so I lied and said that I was making some up and made it seem as if I was making up the ones from Ramadan. Does my fast still count or is it invalidated by lying about the intention as to why I was fasting? May Allah reward you.
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Assalamu alaykum!I have been trying to get pregnant and it seems insha'Allah it happened (some bodily symptoms start to show) but I cannot yet test, as it's too early. I need to wait 10 days until the test will be effective. In the meantime, Ramadan starts and I do not know what the ruling is, whether I have to fast until I find out for sure, or it's.. More
My husband woke me up and told me we should have sexual intercourse. He was fasting I’m not fasting. I asked him after intercourse if his fast was broken or not he said he forgot he was fasting.. he was asleep and woke up feeling to do it but didn’t remember he is fasting. I told him we should go clean and he didn’t he went back to sleep.. is.. More
As Salamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!Alhamdulillah, I have become muslim last year. I come from a family of "ethnic" (secular,communist,modern) muslims, nostalgic of ussr, this type of muslims claim to be ones, though completely ignorant of all the rulings and because of that despise them. and when i teach them they call me wahabist extremist.. More
1. salam, if i am traveling from Nigeria to Ethiopia which is 2 hours ahead of Nigeria with the intention of fasting while going to Ethiopia which is 2 hours ahead of Nigeria. what time will I break my fast?
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Assalamualaikum sheikh,hope you can answer my question when you see this question.if a person apostatized before he reach the age of puberty he will not accountable of it.But what if a person reach the age of puberty but dont know that it was sign of puberty ,will his apostate be valid?
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I have masturbated almost everyday in Ramadan(alhamdulilah I stopped), but I didn't know it breaks my fast, what should I do?
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As'Salaam alaikum waramotullah wabarakatuh!Please I wanted to know if it's permissible for a husband to break his break his fast (None Obligatory) for his wife sex desires at a particular time, even when she was being satisfied sexually some hours earlier before the fast is commenced.
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I gave a birth with a heavy Caesarean surgery few days before Ramadan and I was not able to fast the whole month because I feared both for myself and my baby. At present, I can fast. While I was searching for the fatwa, I came across various sayings of the scholars some suggesting to fast, some to feed the poor and others suggesting both at the same.. More
I am a young boy of 15 get sexually arouse then i thought of having a wife and i start demonstrating how i will be doing to her this i did for few minute till i ejaculate so what is the position of my fast in ramadan but i did not masturbate
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Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. I have a question, is my fast still valid if I was doing nothing and my mind was thinking something not good and cum was coming out of my balls. Is my fast still valid? Jazakhallahu khairan!
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Assalamu?Alaykum (Please answer my questions as soon as possible. if not it's nothing Sorry if I bother you too much.)? Can I swallow the taste of food scraps while fasting? Then brush your teeth and there is a toothpaste taste in your mouth. Can you swallow it? These two things are hard to be aware of.
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Asalam-u-Alaikum Sir,I am now 15 years old and fasting on me was obligatory so during my fast i masturbate and did not take bath.But i didn't know that its haram during fast.What shall i do now
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Salam alaykum,I am taking birth control during ramadan to prevent my period. I only take the pills after iftar because otherwise i will be breaking my fast. However, I yesterday have forgotten to take the pill and I have to take it in 12 hours otherwise my period will start. Since I am fasting i won’t be able to take it until it’s too late. What.. More
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