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2405 fatwas

  • Praying Sunnah of Fajr after sunrise (at time of dislike)

    Assalaamu alaykum. Suppose that I got up just after sunrise. Should I begin with the Sunnah prayer of the Fajr, or should I pray the Fajr first and then pray its Sunnah prayer 15/20 minutes after sunrise knowing that voluntary prayers should not to be prayed at that time? .. More

  • Red light in masjid to alert people before time of Iqaamah

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. In some masjids, they switch on a red light a few minutes before the Iqaamah(second call to the prayer) in order to inform the people that it is no longer allowed to start praying then. What is the ruling on this? .. More

  • Qunoot supplication with singular or plural pronoun

    I read your fatwa No. 236215, where you said: If you are leading the prayer as an imam, then you should use the plural pronoun in the Qunoot supplication because you supplicate for yourself and for the congregation. The Fiqh Encyclopedia reads, "If the praying person is an imam, it is desirable not to supplicate for himself only; rather, he should.. More

  • Delay in following imam in prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. If a person is praying with the imam and while prostrating, he prolongs his prostration, even though the imam has gotten up for the second unit of prayer and has started reciting Al-Faatihah, so if that person gets up while the imam is reciting Al-Faatihah and catches up with him, is this delay considered opposing the Sunnah or a.. More

  • Missing congregational prayer because of acne

    Is it permissible for anyone to pray at home during the daytime because he has acne on his face? I know that there are two opinions on the issue whether praying in congregation is obligatory, but I currently have this problem. .. More

  • Making deliberate mistake in reciting Al-Faatihah in prayer

    Is your prayer valid if you deliberately make a minor error in Surat Al-Faatihah or the Tashahhud even though you can say it right? For example, I prefer to not elongate the "Daud" in "wala-d-daal-leen". Please answer according to the Shaafi‘i School of Fiqh. .. More

  • Shaafi'i view on prolonging sitting between two prostrations

    What is the Shaafi‘i position on elongating the sitting between the two prostrations? Is it valid to follow the opinion that it does not invalidate the prayer? .. More

  • Starting prayer without waiting for official imaam

    Assalaam alaykum. In my local mosque, the official imam said to some elderly people that if he comes late and does not make it at the time when the Iqaamah should be done, we should wait five minutes for him (before proceeding to perform the prayer). The problem is that those elderly people (who also have some kind of authority in the mosque) do not.. More

  • Part of woman's arm uncovered in prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have two queries: 1. My prayer gown has men's shirt-like sleeves with buttons to fasten at the wrist and a slight opening above the buttons. The sleeves fully cover my arms; however, during some positions of the prayer, like when I raise my arms, a bit of the skin of my forearms can be seen through that opening. Does this amount.. More

  • Different manners of praying Witr and reciting Qunoot

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, Shaykhs.The Hanafis give the following hadiths as evidence regarding the Witr prayer and that one is to say the Takbeer (saying: Allahu Akbar) and raise his hands like one does when he starts a prayer and then recite the Qunoot supplication: 1) Ibn Abi Shaybah narrated in his Musannaf (no. 7021) from.. More

  • Multiple intentions in voluntary prayer

    If I want to offer Salah Al-Haajah (prayer of need), can I make the intention of Salah At-Tawbah (prayer of repentance) as well? .. More

  • Silent or loud recitation for person praying individually

    Assalaamu alaykum. I asked a question about the prayer some days ago and received this: My question, however, was not really answered, as the response I got from you talks about the congregational prayer, and not one's individual prayer by themselves. So I will rephrase the question, as I think the first.. More

  • Pretending to pray without ablution to keep makeup

    A woman who prays five times a day since many years once went to an Iftaar (breaking the fast) party at school. There were mostly girls there, but there were also some male professors. She was fully adorned with makeup. When her friend told her about the prayer, she felt that she could not perform ablution as she would have to wipe the makeup off, so.. More

  • Sunnah prayer when combining prayers

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykhs. If a person is combining the Maghrib and ‘Ishaa’ prayers at the time of the Maghrib, can that person pray the Sunnah of the ‘Ishaa’ prayerafter its time begins, or must it also be prayed at the Maghrib time itself and it can thus not be delayed? And, please, also give advice for someone.. More

  • Hands are not raised before prostration in prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. The day before yesterday, I asked a question (No. 2669912); it states that I read in Sifat As-Salat that our Prophet sometimes used to raise his hands while prostrating, but it was not described in that book how this is done, i.e. before going into prostration while saying "Allahu Akbar" or between the two prostrations. And it was.. More