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651 fatwas

  • Being patient when afflicted with passive-aggressive behaviours

    Salaam, I live in Canada and one of the habits of the non-Muslim white Canadians is to have a way of behaving that is known as "passive-aggressive". What this behaviour type involves is to make fake gestures such as loudly "sniffing" with the nose or loudly coughing around someone in order to make other people in the room feel as if the person who is.. More

  • Laughing at someone's misfortune

    Dearest scholars. I laughed at somebody else's misfortune one day and at the time I didn't see it as a big deal. But looking back I feel really awful for having laughed at that person who helped me and in return I laughed at their misfortune as much as I didn't see it as a big deal. This was about a test mark, the person had received a lower grade than.. More

  • Rights usurped before embracing Islam must be returned to their owners

    Like many misguided people, I did many forbidden acts before converting to Islam, among them, purposefully running up my phone bill and not paying it (Since then, I left that country). I also stole things from people's homes. Am I obligated to reimburse the property that I illicitly acquired before converting to Islam? (I am aware that one must either.. More

  • How a non-Muslims gets retribution from Muslim oppressors in the Hereafter

    I have a query about this hadith: "The Prophet , said in a Qudsi (Sacred) Hadeeth: "Allaah will say on the Day of Judgment, 'I am the King. I am the Judge. It is not for any one of the people of the Fire to enter the Fire when someone from the people of Paradise has a right that belongs to him until I avenge him, and it is not for any one of the people.. More

  • Muslims may respond equally to abuse without excessive force

    Asalaamulaykum. My question is regarding the rights of an individual when someone (verbally) abuses or insults them. If someone insults a Muslim (e.g. by constant swearing, name calling, swear at Allah, mocking the Prophet(PBUH) etc...), the Muslim then moves away from the person but the person persists in their behaviour (either by following the Muslim.. More

  • If a Muslim oppresses a non-Muslim, the latter will be avenged on Judgment Day

    If a disbeliever doesn't forgive me in this life for wronging him, is it possible that Allah can punish me in this life instead of punishing me in the hereafter? .. More

  • The correct intention in following the Sunnah

    Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, This is with reference to Fatwa id 2542982. In the answer to this you have given me reference to some similar Fatwa but I am still not convinced and my doubt is not clear yet. I would request you to help me understand and clarify my doubt. I would also like to request you to provide me answer not by referece.. More

  • His father says he will never forgive him

    My Step mother is pretty & was engaged with an other man. when I came to know that i was disappointed first. with the passage of time, Shataniyat encouraged me to take it as opportunity. I made some kiss. one day i became fully rude and want to do zina. But Allah Saved me. after that my step mother told this story to my father. my father is angry.. More

  • Currency should be repayed in equal amount, regardless of change in value

    Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi wabarkatuhu, With reference to Fatwa No : 279829 If I have to repay the amount to the government should I pay back the amount as per the current value of money or of the one at the time I have utilized it? I am asking this because I do not have money now to pay immediately and I can only pay in installments. And I cannot.. More

  • The blame for a sin is not recurring after repenting from it

    Porn websites are haraam undoubtedly. Now the way they make money is from viewers clicking on the sight and viewing adverts on the sight from people viewing the site. My queston is if a Muslim viewed it for sinful purposes (which is wrong and should stop) they have provided the website with money indirectly. Will this person hold continuous sin forever.. More

  • Supplicating Allaah to make us cry out of fear of Him

    When I cry I feel a big relief alhamdulillah but I don't cry much and sometimes try to make myself cry (like when in prayer, hearing an aayah for example) but instead get anxious about having a hard heart and get depressed, so is it alright to ask Allah swt to make you cry out of khashiya? May Allah swt reward you for your effort help. .. More

  • It is forbidden to wrong anyone – Muslim or non-Muslim

    Asalamu Alaykum. Is it permissible for a Muslim to ask a non-Muslim to forgive you for wronging the non-Muslim? .. More

  • Seeking people's praise is not always a sign of insincerity

    as-salamu aleykum, i'm a revert alhamdulIllah, living with my husband and children in my husbands country (we made hijra), where i feel very lonely and often depressed as even after years of patience social relations are very few and entertainment for women nearly inexistant. So i'm all times at home except when my husband takes us out somewhere (which.. More

  • Dedicating one's life to Islam is every Muslim's duty

    Can someone make the intention that they want to dedicate their life to Islam? By this, I do not mean like the monks of the previous nations, but as per the Sunnah of the Messenger, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, and to give Dawah to Islam and enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil. I heard someone saying that it is arrogant to tell yourself that.. More

  • Using Internet ID and password without permission of their owner

    Assalamualikum w w, Dear respected scholar in Islam , I have question regarding presently I am working a company , that company not give access to used internet but I have one known friend he provide one user ID and password , whenever I want to access internet I am logoff my system and login which he given ID and password. But which my friend gave.. More