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651 fatwas

  • Working in company affiliated to usurious bank out of necessity

    AoA,2 questions.1. Iam experienced but for a long time unemployed,now have a offer to work for company whose main business is banking.I came to know that its non-banking subsidiary , bank continuum and deals in stock share market. Is permitted to work there? 2.I intended to not to ask anything from anyone and to be away from usury. life brought me to.. More

  • What is the need for Tawakkul?

    Assalaamu alaikkum dear Sheik,May almighty Allah pour HIS blessings upon you and your family.Dear sheikh my question is regarding Tawakkul .1 ) Why we do Tawakkul ?, its directly proportional to the efforts we are taking.For example , going for an exam , the non muslim ,ofcourse believes in his human faculty and/or demy GOD to study and write exams.. More

  • Concern for the Hereafter relieves worldly distress

    as salamwalekum, i am a doctor by profession and currently doing anaesthesia about to finish in 2014. i am not very well built and not able to argue in fight. i feel i am weak hearted and presently going through lot of troubles. i do not enjoy anything and i feel worried the whole day and do not get sleep properly. i do not do any unlawful things but.. More

  • Sings of acceptance of repentance from undutifulness to parents

    When a child has disobeyed their parents as a youth but then when parents reach old age and parents are happy with their child, does this mean that child's repentance has been accepted in regards to obedience to parents in their old age? Regardless if tauba has been accepted or not, if parents are happy when their child towards the end of their life,.. More

  • The ways through which we can talk to Allaah

    Salam, I would like to know is the only way to talk to Allah is by praying that you can tell him anything or can you talk to Allah by making a du'aa?Is there any other ways you can talk to Allah?Please do reply back. Thank you, Lilly .. More

  • What to do if one cannot return rights to their owners

    There is a person i know who use to be reckless in her dealings with others when it comes to money. Now that she has repent she has 2 scenarios that she is concerned about 1. She might previously owe money to some guy friends whom she does not keep in contact with at present as she is now married. She cannot remember if she owes them money but she.. More

  • Repented from Zina and wants to get tested for HIV and STDs

    As salam alaikum. I am aware that sex outside marriage and homosexual activities are very major sins. And that if somebody commits these actions they must repent to Allah. But if somebody did these things and Allah covered their sin(s), should such a person get tested for HIV/std's, or would this be considered a form of exposing what Allah has.. More

  • He cheated his company by submitting duplicate bills

    I am working in a company for so many years and I have cheated company by submitting duplicate bills and made lot of money. How much even I do not know. Also going to restaurant and even getting food stuffs from duplicate bills for years which we had eaten so many years. Still I am working in the same company and getting salary also. Now I want.. More

  • Cheating in exams is absolutely prohibited in Islam

    Salaam Alaikum, Shaikh I have very important matter that is faced nearly by all of us (who attend exams and test) nowadays, After entering examination hall one can see that almost everyone (Muslims in particular) is inclined to cheat and ask others, and furthermore, they give it (cheating) different names to convince other students to cheat... More

  • Seeking help from people when in need

    As salamu aleikum, We are supposed to be patient and only ask help from Allah. However, if someone is looking for a job, for example, he most probably has to ask some human beings if there is anyone who can help him. Similarly, if someone is wronged, he may ask the help from an influential person to solve his problem. Could you please shed some.. More

  • Reminding the sinner of his sins after his repentance

    Asalaamu Alaykum, Brother No. 1 used to be a major sinner and committed sins like zina, drinking, gambling, and much more. He even secretly brought strange women home to commit zina with at night while his family (brothers, sisters, mother and father) were at home. This brother was completely buried in sins and was only a Muslim because he was.. More

  • His parents insist that his illness is due to his sins

    AsalamuAlaikum I'm a 15 year old boy had 2 surgeries 5 months ago because of which my left hand and leg are paralyzed.Doctors said it will get well in due time InshaAllah but my problem is my parents ever since i got sick they keep telling me its because of my sins n etc....i think they are right,and i repent numerous times each day.Since i cant.. More

  • Seeking revenge against the oppressor on the Day of Judgment

    Asalamu Alaikum, As Muslims, can we choose to avoid seeking justice in this world, and instead wait for Judgement day to receive our justice? For example, If someone had wronged me and i had the means to take that person to court and get compensated, can i refuse to take them to court, and rather wait for Judgement day to be compensated then instead?.. More

  • The strangers shall rejoice

    We are religiously-committed young women and we feel like strangers among our people. We even feel like this among those who used to be religiously committed but now their commitment is superficial.. What should we do to be steadfast and truly be counted among the strangers? .. More

  • Criteria to recognize the allies of Allaah

    Nowadays, there is a person who claims to be a Waliyy (ally) of Allaah The Almighty and an inheritor of the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam. He claims that he communicates with the angels and that he possesses supernatural powers given to him by Allaah The Almighty. Is this correct? Who are the righteous allies of Allaah The Almighty nowadays?.. More