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583 fatwas

  • Judging dissolute people and dealing with them

    salama aleikoum brother, A faasiq is one who commits big sins or is consistent in doing smaller sins according to the defintion of your site and many others. But can we still call one faasiq after he does tauwbah?Then another point is, we know the reality of today that many people do big sins like not doing hajj while having money, threating parents.. More

  • How to treat idleness and disinterest in work

    I am a practicing Muslim. I pray 5 times a day. I recently joined a company a mechanical engineer. However this is my biggest problem that I always look for excuses and breaks. I am unable to work as I lack interest in working at all. I simply like to waste time. Please advise how to increase my interest in working. I have wasted many months being jobless... More

  • Dying drunk or without repenting from drinking

    Salam Alaykoum, If a muslim dies while intoxicated or he had drunk the day before and the day next he dies while not intoxicated whether he had the intention that day to drink or not and he dies in the week where he prayed the Friday prayer with the intention to be forgiven by Allah (swt) for the case he dies that week while he drinks whether he is.. More

  • Not wrong to relate names of objects of worship

    salaam aleikoum ustad,One guy on tv was saying that that is a god and for other cultures Allah and he said the dirty names buda and krisna and the kaafir even said that for some people singers are their god and named some names.This got me excited and i directly said 'your mother!' because your mother is a kind of cursing in my country. So i cursed.. More

  • Masturbating for medical purposes

    asalamu alaekumcan one do masturbation to correct (make straight) his bent penis (crooked penis). .. More

  • No evidence that backbiter sins whenever slander remembered

    Assalamu 'alaikum.I understand that backbiting is a heinous crime and we should all seek refuge in Allah from doing such an act. However, I wanted to know if, for instance, person A backbites (meaning he says something negative) about person B to me. Now every time I think about this negative thought in my head about person B, does this mean Person.. More

  • Using ambiguous language to appear qualified for a job

    Assalyamu Alaikum!Could you please help me? 1. Am I allowed to use Tawriyah (saying something which has more than one meaning and intending a meaning different from what the listener is likely to understand) when applying for a job? I don’t know if any other Muslims are competing for the same job with me (I know that it forbidden to use Tawriyah to.. More

  • Describing someone's hands as 'healing' or 'magical'

    Assalamu alaykum,are such jokes/expressions shirk or kufr?1. If person a massages person b and the pain of person b disappears, then person b says to a: you have healing hands/or you have magical hands. Is there any problem with that?2. If a wife says jokingly to her husband: Look into my heart to see my love for you. Then the husband laughs and says:.. More

  • Forbidden to use deceit to obtain a study visa

    please i wanted to know that i applied for study visa in Australia,they rejected my visa just because there was a study gap between my last degree and till date to fulfill that time difference and to meet visa reqirements i was doing bachelor degree online from my homeland,as i am no more there i couldn't attempt some of my exams due to load of work.. More

  • Ruling on using the title 'Saint'

    What is the ruling on calling someone a saint if that it what they are typically referred to, eg "Saint Jerome"? .. More

  • Saying Muslims are 'believers' because they believe anything

    Assalam Alaikum. One of the Da'ees sent an email to his group stating jokingly: "Muslims are called 'Believers' because they will believe anything." He said it sarcastically, meaning that many Muslims these days believe and spread false information without verifying. Even though he was speaking jokingly and sarcastically, I feel uncomfortable with what.. More

  • Forging income statement to receive free tuition

    Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, I am an Electronics Engineer working with my 1st job from the last 2 years. My graduation as an Engineer consisted of 4years with Rs.30,000/year of the tuition fee. For the 1st and 2nd year of Graduation I had studied free of cost using the fee reimbursement scheme of the government (For families with income.. More

  • The title 'Ala-Hazrat' is permissible

    Salam o Alaikum. Dear Sir, It is stated that I have some question to ask your highness to be enlightened. 1. Can shift Mukam-e-Ibrahim from it’s original place? 2. Calling to someone respected with the title “Ala-Hazrat” is a major sin (Shrik)? 3. What if one Muslim calls other Muslim “Kafir” without any proof or justification from Quran or.. More

  • Not permissible for wife to masturbate without legitimate necessity

    Asalaamalakun... My husband has to go abroad for work. We have 1 year kid.. After delivery my hormones got crazy and i have more sexual desire. And beside i have pco... Its cause of hormonal imbalance. As my husband is away i mastrubrate. But i know its evil. I want stop that badly. And im suffering from depression... I pray and fast.. But its not helping.... More

  • Withholding partially relevant information to get a job

    Salaam, I have question about halal earnings. I was unemployed for a long period and it was causing me heavy mental stress, depression and hopelessness. Also, I had to lower my dignity and borrow from people as a result. I applied for a job at a food factory. When asked whether I had any allergies, I admitted nut allergy. However, I did not disclose.. More