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362 fatwas

  • Using right hand to clean nose during ablution

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. Is it forbidden or disliked to use the right hand for cleaning one's nose during ablution? And is it only for ablution that one should use the left hand when cleaning one's nose, or should that also be done outside ablution? May Allaah reward you, Shaykh. .. More

  • Suffering stress urinary incontinence while praying

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a problem of stress urinary incontinence; when I want to prostrate, I feel a drop of urine coming out, or when there is any other pressure on my abdomen, I feel like urine is coming out, should I sit and pray, or should I pray in the regular way? .. More

  • Wind incontinence during prayer

    I have sporadic incontinence (breaking wind) and became Ma'zoor(excused) during Fajr time. So I performed ablution and started praying. During the prayer, I broke wind and thought to myself that my ablution is invalid, and immediately after that, I remembered that I am a Ma'zoor and completed the prayer. Is my prayer valid? .. More

  • Applying petroleum jelly, oil, or cream before ablution

    I have read your fatwas on ablution and the application of creams, oils, and so on, but I would prefer a personal answer because of the specific nature of my question. When we apply petroleum jelly, oil, or cream on our face and hands, it does not really form a layer that does not allow water to run off or has to be scraped clean. So does this mean.. More

  • How sufferer of urinary incontinence prepares for prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Dear brother, please answer my question directly and do not refer me to other fatwas as I have already seen many of them, and please give me the strongest opinion if there is a difference if opinion. The question is: Someone has urinary incontinence that happens with movement and would like to know.. More

  • She suffers from incontinence and needs to pray Fajr and Thuhr with same ablution

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu Shaykh. I suffer from diseases that require to renew my ablution for the obligatory prayers. I want to know, if I want to pray the Eid prayer or the Friday prayer at the two Holy Mosques, then one has to go very early to get a good place, and for the Eid one goes for Fajr and then stays there. Can I.. More

  • How to wash ears in ablution

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. I have questions related to ablution: 1. Before wiping the head in ablution, does one need to wash his hands or can one just wipe it without washing hands after having washed the arms? 2. How is one to wipe his ears; the inside is the inside part where one enters his finger in order to clean.. More

  • Saying ‘Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem' instead of just ‘Bismillaah’

    I wanted to ask wether one is allowed to say, "Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem" instead of "Bismillah" before performing ablution. I read that according to Ibn Taymiyah and other scholars that it is fine to say the whole word before eating, so I am wondering whether this is applicable to the ablution as well. May Allaah bless you. .. More

  • Dipping in water to make ablution

    Can we dip in water to make ablution? .. More

  • Washing in Ghusl and Wudhoo'

    What is the definition of washing in wudu (ablution) and ghusl (bath taken in state of major ritual impurity). I read that it means 'to let waterflowover the limb'. What exactly does this mean? Does it mean that you have to let water flow on each and every part of the limb, or does it mean that you must let water flow over the limb once, that any part.. More

  • Doubts about discharging drops after making ablution

    Assalaamu alaykum. One day, after urinating and making ablution, I noticed a discharge, it was about two drops (on my genitals), however I disregarded what I saw as impossible and considered it Satanic whisperings. Later, on another day, I noticed the same thing and found that it was real! So what should I do about the prayer in that ablution and what.. More

  • Wiping ears in wudhoo is Sunnah

    Assalaamu alaykum. Sometimes, when I wipe the back of my ears with my thumbs in wudoo (ablution), my thumb does not cover all of the back of my earlobes. Is my wudoo still valid, or do I have to make sure that I wipe every small part of the back of my ear when I do wudoo. .. More

  • Crying during prayer or Quran recitation does not invalidate ablution

    If a person's tears roll down from his eyes in between prayers due to worldly reasons, is his ablution be annulled? Or if he cries, similarly due to worldly reasons in between his reading of the Quran, will his ablution be annulled? .. More

  • Mathy does not necessitate immediate ablution

    When I defecate, then sometimes, due to pressure, some semen or a white fluid (it may be mathiy) comes out, without feeling any pleasure, so I just wash it off and continue as normal. I have got to know that the emission of semen without feeling pleasure does not necessitates ghusl (ritual bath), but I am worried and wonder whether if it is mathiy I.. More

  • Validity of ablution with hair fiber spray

    Assalaamu alaykum. Shaykh, there is a product on the market by the name of hair fiber that covers the area of the head that is bald or has thin hair. Is one's ablution correct after applying this product? Please, I do not know how it works. Maybe you are aware of it as it is a famous product. May Allaah reward you. .. More