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3194 fatwas

  • Bribing a Manager to Get the Tender

    As salaam alaikum brother,My question is regarding commission in business. I have started a new business taking the risk of the down market and inflation status in the country I live only in the hope of ALMIGHTY ALLAH.But the problem here in business is there are times when we need to give commissions to the main person in charge of the company or department.. More

  • Program Publisher for a Site Placing Ads on Mobile Application

    I joined Google Admob program as publisher . Where I place ads from Google Advertiser in my Mobile App. The Advertiser pays Google to spread their ads. For every ads clicked by user of my app, I as publisher receive 68% of the revenue, while Google as mediator receive 32%.What I seen in the internet, this kind of business is permissible if the bad ads.. More

  • Using Credit Cards in Non-Muslim Countries

    asalakum alakum i am from non Islamic country. i have credit card from non Islamic bank riba based bankif i will do shopping from this credit card bank does not charge me interest till period of 50 days means if i will pay in this time there is no interest after that period is over bank charges interest if payment is not made in full amount till grace.. More

  • No Harm in Downloading a Book for Personal Use

    Salam Alaikum,I love reading. I used to read fantasy literature but i am trying to let that go. Thing is i said to Allah after last book purchases i will not spend money on entertainment books again. Now, i also like history and i have found books online.The book is falcon of Quresh. I am worried about copyrights. The author is dead.Can i download this.. More

  • Binary Options Are Forbidden

    I invest some capital in my account ... Question: amount is deducted /added to my account immediately in the case,. on a binary trading options website (a broker website), one make a deposit, select. an investment amount and predict where the price (for example, the US dollar exchange rate) will go in a few minutes or hours. Unlike gambling, where everything.. More

  • A Salesman Wearing Niqaab to Show Customers

    Is it allowed for the salesman to wear saree, niqab etc (female dress) for display in front of customers? .. More

  • Grandfather Gifted Land to Son-in-law Whilst Alive

    Asalamoalaikum wr wbr My maternal grandfather passed away 23 years ago. While he was alive he gave a piece of land as a gift to his only son in law (my father). All of his heirs were aware of this and did not say anything. But the legal paper work was not done. He passed away within that same year.My father gave the papers to my eldest uncle as my father.. More

  • Designing Restaurant or Hotels that may Include Places for Alcohol

    Salam, I’m a student interior designer who’s doing a year long placement, I was wondering what is the ruling and permissibility on designing certain spaces such as: Places serving Alcohol: 1.I know bars are haram so would that make my work haram? I have not designed any nor will I I’m just curious. 2.what about places that alcohol may or may not.. More

  • Downloading a Book from Internet After Borrowing it From the Library

    I have a hard copy of academic book which i obtained from library . Can i download the same freely from internet for ease of reading and carrying only for a period of time when i can take book from library ? When i cannot take any books from library , i will delete. them . Will i be sinful in anyway circumstance? .. More

  • Student in University Using Credit Cards

    Asalam alaykoum! my question is regarding using credit cards. Im a university student and goverment gives student benefit e.g. support money but the problem is in Australia their are no interest free banks, as far as I know. so basically the question is can I buy stuff e.g. clothes and food from this bank card cause the interest although very less might.. More

  • Co-Partner With Husband In Buying Mortgage House

    As-sal?mu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatull?hi wa-barak?tuh Sheikh. My husband got a mortgage with riba. I work, so he added me on the mortgage, otherwise he would not qualify for the mortgage. I didn’t know that time riba is a major sin. Now I asked him to sell the house and got out of the riba. If he sells it now, he will lose lots of money since market is.. More

  • Prohibited to Work in What is Used in Prohibited Ways

    Asak may allah guide us all to oaradise without punishment.I have a business where we work woth builders kn installing security systems vacuum systems camera systems internet systems soeaker systems and provisions for tvs. Is it a haram business. Thank you very much .. More

  • How to Divide Indivisible Property Between Heirs

    Assalamualaikum Brother,We are four brothers and four sisters . We have to divide our fathers property, Mother doesn’t want her share and so we are distributing her share equally between all of us. We are aware of Islamic ruling ie brothers will get the double of sisters. As we don’t have enough money for construction on own and even the area is.. More

  • Works in a Riba Bank: Quit Your Job

    Hello there,I need an answer for"What is the Islamic rule for a Muslim to work in the bank that deals with Interest, and my position in the bank is an IT Engineer in IT Department, my work nature is to help to secure the bank network and assist bank employees in technical side.I look forward to hearing from you a favorable response.Thank You. .. More