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2836 fatwas

  • Importance of Prophet Muhammad to Muslims

    What is the importance of Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) to Muslims?.. More

  • The Date of Judgment Day

    We heard from some of Muslim scholars saying that the big day (Qiyamat) will occur on the Friday and that will be the 10th of Muharram. Is there any information in this regard in Qur'an and Hadith? .. More

  • The thirty anti-Christs mentioned by Prophet Muhammad

    Have the 30 Dajjals (Liars) appeared of which Prophet $Muhammad$$ (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) mentioned in his Hadith? Do you know any of them?.. More

  • Qur'an is Word of Allah

    I have some doubts about the Qur'an. Please give me all the evidences to show that it is the word of Allah... More

  • Inquiring about the First Book of Allah Sent to Humans

    Which is the first Book Sent by Allah to the people of the earth irrespective of the language whether it is spoken today or not? .. More

  • To remain in Canada for citizenship or go home

    I am living in Canada and my wife is living in an Arabic country and works there. In fact I came here for studies. Next year, Insha Allah, I will finish, but I want to stay here another year in order to get the Canadian citizenship. My wife refuses this solution and insist that I should return once I finish the studies. What is the opinion of the religion.. More

  • Traveling to China due to SARS

    Can I travel to China? What is the view of our religion in this case, with the new disease SARS which appeared in China. I have an office in Shanghai, China and all my business is based on exporting goods from China to some other countries. Since the beginning of this year due to SARS I didn't work at all. In Shanghai, there has been no cases of SARS... More

  • He read about the so called mistakes in Qur'an

    How can I convince my friend who left Islam and started to have no faith?! He begged me to help him come back to Islam. The problem started when he has read about the mistakes in Qur'an in some websites. Please, rescue him and give him a word that makes him know that Islam is the right (Deen)... More

  • Location of Allah

    This is an urgent matter as it is dividing our small mosque community. One brother insists that he will not pray behind our elder brother because the elder brother believes Allah is present everywhere while the younger brother insists that we must all believe that Allah (SWT) is only above His "Arsh". My own reading of the Qur'an is that Allah (SWT).. More

  • Miracles of Prophet Isa in Hadith

    Did any of the Sahaba (Radiya Allahu Anhum) narrate Hadith from Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) about miracles of $Issa$$ (Alaihi al- Salaam), like walking on water, etc.? If there are any such Hadith please quote them. Recently, I read some Hadith regarding miracles of $Issa$$ but in that book the Hadith from which it was taken was not quoted... More

  • Lot and fate

    What is the difference between Qismat (lot) and Taqdeer (fate)?.. More

  • Seeking protection from evil eye and jealousy

    Can you tell me how to protect myself from evil eye and to avoid being jealous of others (Hasad)? I want to get rid of this habit. What Du'a can I use to refrain from this habit?.. More

  • The double-faced person

    What has the Fatwa center to say about a man (double-faced) who has two faces and behaves with the others people naturally?.. More

  • Using Jinn for useful purposes

    I have read a lot about the magic that some people practise. This including sorcery and fortune telling, etc. I know that doing; learning or teaching magic is Haram. May Allah keep it away from us. The thing is that $Sulaiman$$ had Jinns which helped him in certain things. Is this black magic? Can we humans in today's world use Jinns to our advantage,.. More

  • Wanting to leave Islam for Christianity

    I have a friend who has fallen into bad influence and someone has put into her mind that Islam is Wrong and Christianity is right! I have tried many times to talk to her about this and get her back to Islam but was not successful. Is there any good solution to get the thing out of her head?.. More