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176 fatwas

  • A question that reflects obsessive whispers regarding impurity

    If you blow your nose and there is a little blood in the snot does touching your nose (that nay have snot on it) in some way make that part impure even though there is not visual appearance of blood? Also, I asked a question before regarding an impurity due to touching a spot that has pus in it. You said it was waswas but you have also implied to me.. More

  • Seek the help of Allaah to calm your fears

    Assalamoalekum sheikhs I am a man of age 42. Over the years I have become mentally very weak due to psychological reason . I have a family to feed and my wife and children are dependent on me. Alhamdolillah Allah has given me every thing but still I am always in a state of fear. I am so weak that I cant take my rights from others. Even if I have lended.. More

  • She says someone called Al-Faarooq visits her heart to teach her Quran

    Hi I have a friend who is 19 years of age she is VERY religious and inshallah will have memorized the whole Quran by the end of this year Inshallah. She told me about some "man" called the farooq (الفاروق) that comes to her not by image or by voice but by heart? As in I can't hear him if he talks she can only hear him in her heart and she said.. More

  • A case of obsessive whispers about purification

    My question is ragading purity as i am very concious about purity.There are certain things which i note from Day to Day affairs , pls aclarify them. If blood comes from someone mouth , how many times he has to wash his mouth to purify it.If blood comes and someone is not able to purify it and after some time pure saliva comes out does it means that.. More

  • The best remedy for Waswasah

    Regarding fatwa number 83401, I understand that the scholars have agreed that the best remedy for waswaas is to simply ignore it and inshAllah it will definitely go away. However does this not go against the Sunnah as I thought the Hadith advice seeking refuge with Allah from the shaythan? I feel that they contradict as I often find my thoughts are.. More

  • Beware of Satanic whispers about your repentance

    assalamu alaykum, if someone has committed several kinds of kufr or shirk, is it sufficient for him that he repents in a general way and then he speaks the shahada with the intention to re-enter islam? Or does he have to remember every kind of kufr or shirk which he has done? What's if he has repented in a general way and after that he remembered that.. More

  • Having whispers of Kufr and how to repel them

    Assalamu alaykum, if a person is affected by strong waswas of kufr, then he seeks refuge with Allah, but what's if the thoughts of kufr doesn't dissappear. in this case is it sufficient for him to seek refuge with Allah once or does he have to seek refuge with Allah for every thought of kufr? Jazak Allahu khayran. .. More

  • Denying that Jinns possess humans

    Some people, may Allaah guide them, deny the existence of the Jinn and deny Quranic therapy. Meanwhile, some satellite channels focus on this topic and deny the fact that the Jinn are able to cause seizures to a human being and possess his body. They claim that Jinn are only able to whisper to humans but seizures, according to them, are illogical... More

  • The Quran treats all diseases

    Are there certain verses that treat schizophrenia?.. More

  • Seeking medical and spiritual treatment

    What is demonic possession? How can magic and envy affect man and how can he protect himself from their effect? What is the role of the Jinn here? Is it true that a Jinn can fall in love with a human being? If yes, then how can one get rid of him? Sometimes I feel a tremor when I am about to sleep and I cannot speak or move despite being aware of everything.. More

  • She feels lost, depressed and scared

    Assalam Alaikum…..I don’t know how to begin explaining my situation…im lost.. Im in so much pain.. Mentally. Every time I take a step forward, I take10 steps backwards… For example, every time I want to attend college, something stops me… I start to feel so much pressure and pain on my chest And on my neck that all I want to do is scream.. More

  • Has bipolar disorder and thinks about suicide

    Assalamulaikum W.B Brother, I am a university student suffering from sever bipolar disorder. I am often suicidal and I have no control over my thoughts and emotion. If I was to commit suicide under these circumstances would I go to hell? Since the mentally ill maybe excused due to their situation. Please advice. I look forward to hearing from you. Wassalam,.. More

  • Suffers from satanic whispers and thinks to kill herself

    I am a 35 year old women. Single. Since 1993 I have been tortured by hell fire all along because I think bad and dirty thoughts about Allah. I think that this is a sign of Judgement Day. In a "haddith" by Mohammed Peace Be Upon Him it is mentioned that Judge ment Day does not come except on bad people first and then the rest of people . Now after all.. More

  • Beware of satanic whispers while performing ablution

    Assalamu aleikum! One muslim has a habit of spreading the remains of water on his hands left from washing his face the third time in wudoo all over his face and he sometimes he feels that water hasn’t been spread all over his face and wets his hands a little bit again and rubs the face again until he is completely sure that all his face has been wet.. More

  • He walks, talks, yells and screams while sleeping

    Dear brothers at, I'm 26 years old and i'm still having the same problem that i had when i was a kid. I'm still walking, talking, yelling, screaming in my sleep. It's kind of embarrassing for me in front of my family. I shut doors with fear and check up on my family as if they were in danger. I yell out for my mom and dad to see if they.. More