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A group called "Madkhaliyyeen"


What is the ruling on different groups in Islam? Is there a group called "Madkhaleen"? I have been told that I should not consider them as Salafis, even though that is what they claim to be. They say that this "group" is very harsh and that their Sheikhs are being paid by the Saudi government. Truly I found this very confusing; since they say that they follow the Qur’an and the Sunnah as it was understood by the companions of Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). And that they belong to the Jama’a and that they listen to the Ulamah. So my question is, why do some people call them "Madkhaleen" and warn them against the people? What is the most justice consideration about them? Should we call them Salafis, as they say? Or should we take the advice from others who also claims to be Salafis, but instead are calling them "Madkhaleen". Hoping for a good answer Insha Allah!


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.

Salafi is a method that calls people to return to what the rightly-guided predecessors including the four Imams followed as far as the understanding of Qur'an and Sunnah and their application in daily life. So, Salafi is not a particular group, it is rather a name or a description of anyone who does the above.

On the other hand, the Ummah should be united on following this call which is clear and straightforward.

We advise the dear questioner to fill his time with learning the right knowledge of Shariah which will not only bring him a lot of good but also make him able to help his Ummah.

Finally, we remind you that our site does not evaluate Islamic groups or parties. Its efforts are to issue Fatawa on Islamic matters. Dear brother, take refuge with Allah and beware of bad thoughts; the truth is clear and easy to follow.

Allah knows best.

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