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905 fatwas

  • Beauty therapy as a job

    Is beauty therapy as a job Halal or Haram as we have to make up ladies and do some eyebrow shapes as well as some massage for ladies?.. More

  • Engaged in doubtful business

    I live with my family. My father has an import business. The import business is not permissible in the light of Islam because one has to give bribe the customs officer, Riba, short declaration of goods and many more sins. I am sitting in the shop of my father. If I want to earn with my own hand I have stay with them and eat with them. I tried to make.. More

  • Working for non-Muslims

    My husband is working in a company in Dubai. The owner of the company is a non-Muslim. Is it permitted to work in his company if he does not have any objection for the prayers, etc... More

  • Mother worked in a bank for years

    My mother worked in a bank. At first, she didn't know that her work could be Haram, then people began talking about that problem. She was thinking about it for years and then she retreated earlier to avoid doubtful things. For going out of the bank she received an indemnity because the bank was encouraging people going out. So, my questions are: What.. More

  • Taking life insurance on home mortgage

    I would like to know if it's acceptable or forbidden in Islam to pay the house insurance company an extra amount monthly so in case of my death before paying the remaining mortgage in the determined period, the insurance will pay off the balance and my family will not lose the house and suffer hardship. Please know that I live in the United States and.. More

  • Being paid for helping students with their research

    I want to clear my doubt. I am helping students in University to make research subjects, which is the part of their study. They'll pay for it. Is it Haram? Is it a type of cheating?.. More

  • Prohibited services in a barber shop

    I just opened a barber shop, and some of friends explained to me that providing a service like shaving beards is a sin (Haram). Please advise what should I do. The shop cost me allot of money but I am willing to do whatever to avoid sin... More

  • Muslim wants to take job with French police

    I m a young Muslim born in France and I'd like to know if I could work in the French police. Isn't it in contradiction with our religion? Please response with references to Qur'an and Sunnah... More

  • Questions working in hotel in Europe

    I lived in Holland. I work in a hotel in reception but in the hotel is a bar and restaurant where pork and wine is sold. Is my work in that hotel as receptionist Halal? I told the manager that I will leave the hotel because of wine and the pork. He told me that they have another hotel without a bar or wine and no restaurant, but I am afraid of the.. More

  • Permissible work in non-Muslim secular countries

    I am residing in India. I want to know permissibility of working as Civil Servants in Non-Muslim Secular country like India. Can I apply for Foreign Service (one of the services offered in civil services)? Can you suggest to me some guidelines? In Foreign Service, extradition of criminals, protecting Indians (Muslim & non- Muslims) and their temples.. More

  • Transactions by government employees

    In * country Civil Servants working for Govt. have to deal in riba transactions sometimes. All Civil Servant head their respective departments. My question is whether it is permissible for Muslims to work in following services: 1. IAS sometimes deals with utilization of interest funds of Govt. for Government schemes & other purposes and sometimes.. More

  • Doubtful work in toursim

    My business is in tourism. I have a stable and rent horses to men and women. Sometimes the women wear very short clothes. Is my money halal? Is my work halal?.. More

  • Life Insurance whose interest will be given to charity

    I have a question regarding Life Insurance, Is it allowed in Islam to insure the life of a man? If one decided take a policy (or he has already a policy in which he paid some premium instalments) as an investment and to donate the interest he is getting to some charities and he has the intention only to use money actually deposited. Is this permissible.. More

  • Doubtful about business dealings

    I am working as an Instrument technician in company-A. I have recently started a part time business after my job hours for marketing of services of another company-B. The business of both the companies are entirely different. I made an agreement with company-B that if I bring a customer for you, you will give me 20% of the service charges you receive.. More

  • Part of earning from haram sources

    I have been working in the gas station for two years'that sells lottery and it was part of our work, I quit the work but my money could be from something haram. Part of the work we do is different, I'm afraid that there is hadith that says his food is haram,cloth is haram how will 'Allah' accept his du'a, what can I do so 'Allah' will forgive me?.. More