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905 fatwas

  • Working where lottery is sold

    I have a brother who works at a factory where they make cars. His father told him to work with him at grocery store. They don't sell beer or any thing Haram except they have lotto machine That is gambling but the money they collect from the lotto goes separate from the store money. He refused to obey his father's saying it is Haram. Pleas clarify that... More

  • Employee medical coverage in the US

    I currently live and work in the USA. Employers in addition to the salaries they pay, they give employees the option of having a health/medical insurance. As you know most types of insurance are not allowable. However, the cost the medical treatment in the USA is very high and many employees can not afford to pay even for a visitation. So, is it permissible.. More

  • Working in Store Where Lottery Tickets Are Sold

    I am working in a convenience store in Canada run by a company. Beside foods, milk, bread, these stores sell lottery by scratch tickets, and by a machine which draws numbers automatically. I am working as a cashier. My friend, who is the manager of this store, is encouraging me to apply to manage one of these stores. I need your advice (Fatwa) according.. More

  • Working as an accountant

    Is work as an accountant forbidden or not? .. More

  • Interest is strictly forbidden

    My father died 11 years ago. My mum deposited 5 thousand pounds in the bank (as Shadat istismar) after his death. And now, I am 21 years, so it's the age to get it.My Question is this amount of money 26 thousand now considered as interest or not because of the circumstances, or the 5 thousands only are Halal ? .. More

  • Working as a 'Loss Adjuster'

    I finished school and now I want to complete studying in the feild of loss adjusting, but I am a bit concerned about the ruling of this job. The job of a loss adjuster is to be the judge between two parties (company and client) in case of loss and conflicts between the two parties, and that instead of going in each time to the court, and for more information.. More

  • Is it Halal to Escape Taxes?

    Assalamualaikum,I have pay 29% of my salary to the income tax department. As we all know, my Zakat obligation is only 2.5%. if I pay the 2.5% Zakat then my income tax is 26.5%. if I allocate all the 29% to Zakat then I don't have to pay the income tax. This is what I am doing now, and the annual amount is approximately 10,000 USD, which much more than.. More

  • Insurance policies are forbidden

    I had paid some life insurance policies on an educational plan for my kids. I will stop from contracting life insurance anymore, can I still continue to pay for it. Since we would lose a lot if we refund the payments made... More

  • Working for a company that deals in Riba

    I would like to ask you about a person who became a director of a company that is basing its projects on taking loans from banks. This new director found the company in that situation so what must he do? Quit the company? And what is the ruling if he can't leave the work or doesn't want to do so? I would also ask you about when you work in a public.. More

  • What to Do with Social Benefits and Allowances

    In many parts of the world, people receive social benefits. These benefits can be for various purposes. Some are old age, disability allowance, unemployment benefit, student allowance, etc. Should we Muslims consider these allowances as Zakah? Is one allowed to go for Hajj, Umrah, etc. with this money? Is one allowed to give donations out of this money?.. More

  • Insuring a Mosque

    Are we allowed to insure mosques? I live in Australia and it takes so much effort to have one constructed. Our mosque is worth 2 million dollars just completed. .. More

  • Working in a Place That Sells Alcohol Along with Lawful Things

    Salamalekium, I have two question, first one is that, is it permissible to work in store where there is alcohol candy and bread. And the other question is that I am married and currently I am in the US my wife cannot come here yet, but is it permissible to stay away from ones wife for a long time .. More

  • Working in an Islamic bank

    I'm going to work in a new Islamic bank what is your opinion about that?.. More

  • Working where naked women expose themselves to men

    I am 25-year-old man, Muslim. I live in the United States and I don't have a family here I don't have any kind of financial support. I work in a topless bar where women go there and take off their clothes for money so men can enjoy them. I don't work inside I only work at the door where I park customers' cars for some kind of tip. I don't go inside.. More

  • Copying CD's that are protected by copyright

    Is it Haram to copy an Islamic CD if they specified not to do that in the beginning of CD? We are in a European country and it is difficult to get the original... More