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Assalaamu alaykum. I am from Bangladesh. We all know that, recently, the Myanmar army and the radical Buddhists have again started to persecute the Rohiynga Muslims. However, the government of Bangladesh is not allowing them into our country. My question is, what should we do now? May Allah reward you.
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I live in Finland and I cannot cut my hair in a public place because men also go there. My question is, can I go to a woman who cuts hair privately meaning she doesn't pay taxes which is considered illegal here according to Finnish law? Another question that stems from this is how should Muslims deal with sectarian laws? Are we obliged to abide by them.. More
Assalamoalaikum I am a citizen of India and our government is making it obligatory to sing a song which has "I worship my Mother (India)" on seventh of September.I respect and love my country very much.What should I do?Please give me advice... More
I am a Muslimah Al-Hamdulillah, and work in plywood factory in Finland named (Finnforest) I have been having a hard time because of my scarf. I can't understand how much they hate Muslims. Saudi Arabia is one of their clients and as Muslimah I can't see the way they cheat in doing the work using bad material... and more over calling Muslims drag heads..... More
I'm student in England and I saw many messiah persons invite to join in Christianity religion and they are give the Arab students and distribution about Christianity religion. Could you find out about this problems special some teenager students?
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Please can you answer the following question.
I live in a 85% Muslim area, but I see a lot of things I disagree on.
Firstly, people are Muslims are selling pork in their shops and say that this is ok its business is this right and they have to please Christian customers.
Also I see many many Muslim brothers with beard and act as taxi drivers.. More
I want to know further and if you could provide me information regarding; a Muslim minority community living under a non-Muslim government. What are the responsibilities for them to follow? And if you could include Hadiths or verses for Quran in matter of this question.
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What action can Muslims take against the banning Hijab in France (e.g. boycotting). France is violating religious rights. This is a big problem for our sisters’ rights in France... More
I live in the UK. The bars here are called "makka "and have nude pictures of women with the Qur'an. Is it permissible for me to break their windows? For your information I broke 20 windows for this reason and the police wants to catch me but Allah protect me... More
After completing 15 years of service, I want to go back to India for good. But I find it very difficult to live there. Imams conduct the prayers very fast and Jumu'ah Khutbah are meaningless and readymade. For everything, we have to expect the help of non-Muslims, be it business, education, social gathering etc. etc. Would you please guide me?.. More
People say to me that as a Muslim living in the Britain I am leading a life of sin, is this true? Also they say that my priority should be to think of going and doing Jihad in Palestine, Afghanistan, etc. as they are being invaded by non-Muslims, is this my priority even though I am involved in the Dawah in Britain? Also they say Jihad has become Fard.. More
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