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Assalaamu alaykom. I am from Algeria. My question is the following: Algeria was colonized by France from 1830 to 1962. During that time, France did terrible things, including rape, and I do not know when, but the French were part of the groups who colonized America, and now their sons and supporters live anywhere in the world. If I interact with people.. More
What has gone wrong with the nation of Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam?.. More
Why are all Western countries developed in spite of the fact that they separate religion from the state? Why are all Muslim countries not advancing?.. More
Has Allaah The Almighty willed for us to lag behind other nations?.. More
A knowledgeable person attended a conference and accused all the people of being either misleading or misled except the group to which he belonged. He also said that there is nothing called Jihaad in the present time and he requested from the attendants not to give up Palestine, Afghanistan or Chechnya. What is the ruling of Islam on this? .. More
Could you please explain the meaning of the Hadeeth (narration) in which the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, ordered the head cut off of whoever wants to disunite Muslims during the time of temptations and trials? .. More
What is the solution that would save our Muslim Ummah which is opposed by all other nations? I mean the solution that will recover the glory of the Ummah... More
Is it mandatory that we have to support/work for any Islamic party/organization that I think is the best (following the laws of Islam) to form Islamic government/state?
Because in the Quran Allaah Says: "Together hold Allaah's Rope (Islam) and don't get separated from each other." [Aal-Imraan: 103]. If so does it mean that if I pray 5 times a.. More
We live here in the US and we decided a long time ago to boycott all the products and the companies who help our enemies the Israelis. The problem is that sometimes these products that we are boycotting are on sale and they cost cheaper than the others. Nevertheless, we buy the more expensive ones just to avoid giving our money to kill our brothers.. More
According to Moulana Maudoodi and Sayyid Qutub we should work for the political establishment of Islam. But the site has a different opinion. Under the heading of political issues it says that we do not have to emulate Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) in the political establishment of Islam. They say that Prophet.. More
What is the individual rights and the community in Islam?.. More
How can we as Muslims unite?.. More
What is the Islamic concept about conflict management (to solve the conflicts), on social life, economy and political issues in society especially in individuals what usually happened? Please, give me from Qur'an, Hadith and intellectual texts detailed answer on my e-mail... More
I know that it is Haram to stand for the national anthem. Please give me clear evidence from the Qur'an and Hadith so that I can prove that to someone else... More
In a previous Fatwa mentioned that Hizb ul Tahreer (a Muslim poltical group) are neglecting certain aspects of Islam i.e the spiritual, how can we solve the problems of the Ummah?.. More
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