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5673 fatwas

  • Teaching Children Prayer and Quran

    When must we teach our children how to pray and to read Qur'an? .. More

  • Teacher at University Wants to Marry Muslim Girl Student at Same University

    I'm a young Muslim teacher at the University, who wants to marry a Muslim girl who happens to be a third-year student at the above same University. She put some conditions for me to abide by otherwise she won't marry me. She said that I have to have a beard and wear my clothes "up to half of calf". I just replied that whatever I do should be based on.. More

  • Who is Mahram?

    I want to know what is right, can I see my wife's face or not?I want to know about Mahram and who is Mahram?.. More

  • Anal sex in marriage

    My husband and I used to insert our fingers in our anuses during our sex acts. I want to know if this is (1) Haram and Kabaer? (2) Haram and not Kabaer? (3) Just bad attitude?.. More

  • Youthful Incest with His Mother

    When I was 12 years old I used to sleep beside my mother who was 31 years old. I did not know what was right or wrong, and she allowed or encouraged sexual contacts with her from me. Now, when I remember that I cannot live or sleep as a good normal Muslim. What is my situation in Islam, what can I do for God to forgive me and her? .. More

  • Fixing a marriage date

    A very good friend of mine (works in Saudi) is due to get married in the month of October. We want the date to be fixed in the 1st week of October (in the last week of Rajab) but both his parents and girl's parents feel. They cannot fix the date till 6th of Sahabah). They feel a person cannot married before this date due to some assumption, belief,.. More

  • Doubts about a family relationship

    My father has uncle and this person is married to his mother (My grandmother) and he married my mother's grandmother and divorced her. He is living in our house now. Is it inviolable when he looks at my mother? Is it inviolable to live with us in the same house? I appreciate your attention... More

  • Wife Helped Husband Financially and Now They Want Divorce

    I have been married for almost 2 years. I have been sponsoring my family to the extent (I mean spending all my money without saving any money). My wife also works, and she always said she is not responsible about supporting and sharing any money; her money is her money and my money is our money. When I got laid off from my job, she helped a little bit.. More

  • The name "Aazar"

    Could you please tell me the meaning and history of the name "Aazar" and if it is good Muslim name? I think this was the name of Prophet Abraham's (Peace and blessings be upon him) father, is it true? Please make sure the above name is "Aazar" not "Azhar"... More

  • Seeking help about marital problems

    Is it Haram to ask a Sheikh for help about issues of her marriage without having husband's agreement? Or without husband's knowledge?.. More

  • Touching genitals of others

    I have touched the genital organ of my friend and he did the same. How can we correct our mistake? There was no homosexual contact between us... More

  • Masturbation in marriage

    Is it permissible for my husband to masturbate over me, without me actually touching him and swallow his sperm? Is it also permissible for my husband to place his erect penis between my breasts, to hold them and masturbate?.. More

  • Wife Wants to Avoid Pregnancy at First Six Months of Marriage

    I am a newly married man. This phase of my life started just three months ago. My wife and I have some differences in the matter of family planning. It started from the very first night. The first question she asked me was how many children I need? She informed me that she made plan not to be pregnant in first six months and she refused to have sexual.. More

  • Does Not Wear Hijab but Dresses Modestly

    I deeply appreciate it. I am not attending a university but an educational centre where all the reviews for foreign graduates are being conducted and I am currently taking my final medical board exam and I do have group studies with other foreign medical graduates in the form of question reviews and also do work for this centre too. Please let me know.. More

  • Absence of Husband for More Than Two Years

    Its about my sister in Pakistan and her husband in UK. It's been more than two years since he has been to Pakistan. He hardly sends any money to her, if he does send some money its got to be through his sister. I want to know if she still can stay in his house under his sister or is she still married to him or not? .. More