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5673 fatwas

  • Divorced husband after 4 years separation

    I am a Sri Lankan Muslim and have been separated from my husband for nearly 4 years. I am now in the USA for the last 2 years and currently in medical education. I got my divorce one week back through the Islamic courts. Do I have to observe Iddah? If so for how long? Can I work? Can I be in a study group with my other medical male students?.. More

  • Refuting Some Misconceptions

    I don't mean to sound like a disbeliever, but scholars always speak of the reward for men in heaven how they will have “Hour al-'Een”. How can a man can keep more than one wife? What's in it for women? I believe Allah to be a Just and Fair God. I just want to understand. If there are any books you recommend I would be grateful. I need to learn more.. More

  • Wife Feels Disrespected by Husband

    I am married to a Muslim. I also have to state that I converted to Islam. My husband was a very attentive man, but now all of a sudden he changed, and my life has taken a heavy toll. He stays out late at night with his friends, and I am left all alone. I do not feel respected. Is there anything I can do? .. More

  • Wants Approval for Un-Islamic American Marriage

    "I married an American girl in accordance with the American laws. I want to make sure I have the right to sleep with her"? I mean regardless of the way we married; we didn't marry according to Islam, because of special reasons; one of them is her family reject the marriage. Please send me an answer. .. More

  • Becoming second wife in Islam in US

    i met a married muslim man and we are in the states and it is against the law to be married to more than one, there is no way we can go back home soon to get married and we want to be together belhalal... some people asked him if he married me temporarily and i donot know what that meant.. i need to know how can we be married here islamically in halal.. More

  • Prayers of males and females, etc.

    1) Is the prayer of male and female or is there any difference?2) What is the ruling for following the four Imams?3) Are we allowed to work in a supermarket?.. More

  • Mixing with Males in the Workplace

    I'm a Filipino Muslim working as a nurse here in Middle East. Being an expert, we are handling patients of both sexes and more often than not, males. I have read so many articles about the mixing of both sexes in a workplace but it seem to be common nowadays. Can you please enlighten me on this subject? .. More

  • Family relations with Muslim and non-Muslim members

    1) I am a new Muslim. Can I show my hair and arms to my male cousins, my mom's sister's sons? Can my husband shake my aunt's hand and give her a hug? Please verify your answer with evidence from the Qur'an or authentic Hadith.2) I am the only one in my family who is Muslim, and my parents want us (my husband, daughter, and I) to stay here in the United.. More

  • Sending Wife and Children to Palestine While He Completes Studies in US

    I am a married man and I have three daughters. I came to study in the USA before two years and my family is with me. My wife delivered a baby girl before a month ago, thank God. The expenses were very high and I am running out of money. Can I send my wife and children back to Palestine to live with her family for one year until I finish my studies here.. More

  • Women covering their feet

    This is very important as many women I know don't believe that the feet should be covered and I know that a lady who doesn't wear her Khimar properly will not even smell Jannah. So please elaborate on the following, Insha Allah. Please give me a Hadith stating that the feet of women should be covered during prayer. I understand that it is mentioned.. More

  • Rights of Divorced Woman on Her Husband

    I study in Slovakia. I am married of a Slovak Muslim girl. I want to divorce her, and she is living with her family now. I want to know what rights she has, if I divorce her, and if she refused to take these rights after divorce. Is there anything on me? .. More

  • Buying a woman for sex

    I am really confused. My wife does not satisfy my physical needs easily. My friend gave me horrible advice. In India there are some tribal people (non-Muslims) who sell their daughters. My friend told me that if I buy a woman I can have sex with her without marriage. Is it true?.. More

  • Woman Traveling Alone by Plane

    Can a woman travel alone, if the journey is less than 24 hours and is by plane? .. More

  • Wife questions husband's grounds for divorce

    I am very confused I have been married for about 6 years and slowly my marriage doesn't seem to be working out. My husband also realizes this and says that we will see and then if things get very out of hand we will divorce. The problem is I am happy with him, however he says: 1) I am not satisfying him 100 percentage in physical relation. 2) As a.. More

  • Parental rights of a non-Muslim father to his son

    I am married to a woman who has a son from previous marriage. All the women and men in my wife's family are non-Muslims and all the women and men in the boy's father family are non-Muslims. At the time of my marriage the boy's father was in prison so the boy was living with me and his mother. A few months ago his father came out of prison, and he.. More