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1341 fatwas

  • Torchbearing in sports

    Are there any accounts of torch bearing for sporting events in the Islamic history? Is it a sin for a Muslim if she or he is involved in carrying the torch in a sports event? What is the viewof the Qur'an and Sunnah and also the Islamic scholars regarding the torch procession in a sports event?.. More

  • Ruling on Playing Musical Instruments

    What is the Fatwa on playing musical instruments which have strings such as guitar, violin, sittar and so on. Could you please explain to me what type of music is allowed in Islam? .. More

  • Listening to music in Islam

    I was reading your fatwas about music and to some extent I agree with what you say and consequently I've stopped listening to music and replaced it with listening to Qur'an or Islamic lectures. However, I still have a problem, the place where I work is constantly playing music through their speakers and I cannot avoid listening to it. In fact these.. More

  • A wedding party with music

    My sister is getting married. A party is being planned for her with music and I do not listen to music. What can I do?.. More

  • Reward for donating blood

    Since donating blood can save 6 lives per blood donation, if you donate blood with the intention to save 6 lives will you get the reward of saving 6 lives from Allah?Saving one life is like "saving the entire world.".. More

  • Making statues of animals and humans for decorations

    I'm a new Muslim. I am working for a company that makes statuesfor gardens or houses in theshape ofanimals and humans.I know it is a sin butI need work badly, and I'm trying to find anther job now.I need the money from working andI don't like do it sinceI know it is sin, butI have no choice right now... More

  • Free health care provided by the employing oil company

    My husband works for an oil company, which provides free health care for him and his family at a specific clinic. This service is not provided through any sort of insurance company. Also, keeping in mind that this clinic is financial maintained by all oil companies and that only employees of these companies and their families have access to the.. More

  • Committed abortion after the sixth week

    I refer to your Fatwa no. 85970. My wife aborted her pregnancy in the sixth week (Allah knows better). As per ultrasound report the heart movement had started at that time. The reason for aborting was that she had a Caesarean section in the last pregnancy and she is still suffering with pains in her waist and back. We did use a contraceptive.. More

  • Taking photographs of humans as souvenirs

    Who are the contemporary scholars, preferably Salafis, who have allowed taking photographs of humans (no indecency, of course) for the sake of souvenirs? .. More

  • Doctors request family to remove patient from life support machine

    What is the ruling concerning a husband and wife who have been married for a long time but have been living separately for more than a year indifferent countries? What is the ruling concerning a person who is on a life support machine and the family is asked by the doctors to switch it off?.. More

  • Dancing is lawful only within the limits of Shariah

    If one is a teacher at a non-Muslim school, one is it permitted for us to encourage our Muslim students to dance for school shows or they might fail... More

  • Studying Psychology in the UK

    I am living in the UK with my family. I care about my religion a lot, and I would like to ask you if studying Psychology will affect my faith in any way?.. More

  • Doubts about an Islamic reference

    I would like to know your opinion about the book "Al-Imamah Wa Siyasah" of Ibn Qutaibah. Even though it was listed as a reliable sourcefor many Muslim studies, but whatI have heard from someone has raised doubts... More

  • Unwanted Pregnancy

    We didn't want to have more babies, and we wanted to prevent it, but suddenly my wife saw that she is pregnant for one month. The question is: Can we abort the baby? .. More

  • Use of drama for Islamic purposes

    Is it allowed in Islam to use drama for the purpose of education about Islam?.. More