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3574 fatwas

  • A dream that came true

    Two years ago, my dad's friend came to America and stayed with us for a week. A month after he left, I saw him in my dream. I had two dreams about him. First dream, I saw him in the hospital, passed away. Second dream, a few weeks later, I saw him dead in his bedroom, on his bed with a gun next to him. About a month later, we heard from family in Pakistan.. More

  • Obedience of Allah and His Prophet

    1. What is the definition of obedience and obedience of Allah & Prophits?2. What the meanings of sincerity in belief? .. More

  • Best university for study of Da'wah

    What is the Best Islamic University to Study in Da'wah in all the World. because I'm interested learning the Da'wah and Will Give Da'wah in the Future?.. More

  • Had a wet dream about 2 men having sex

    I had a wet dream recently.The strange thing about it is I was not in the dream and the characters were two men having sex.I was like somebody watching the scene and I ejaculated.Why is this?I don't want to be a homosexual.Please help me and give me some good advice... More

  • Family Problems with Mother

    I belong to a Muslim family where Islam is taken for granted because of their being born Muslims. My problem is my mother is wrong many times in dealing with us, with relatives, or with anyone. When anyone in the family including my father tries to tell her she is wrong she never accepts it. she starts shouting that we always blame her, etc. We always.. More

  • Hadith about eating alone

    I understand that Rasulullah (SAW) always had company to enjoy his food or meal while Nabi Ibrahim (SA) would not eat until he found company to eat together with him. What is the ruling if one has no choice but to eat or breakfast in the house without any company. What does the Hadith say about this situation where a person is living alone in the house?.. More

  • Family tries to convince father to abandon Shirk

    My Father is from the innovators while my brother, mother, sister and I am from Sunna. He doesn't believe in going to the mosques and praying behind the Imam and not even praying el Jumua, but we do. He seeks help from other than Allah and who he thinks are (awleyaa ALLAH) but we believe that only ALLAH can help us in anything and we shouldn't ask anyone.. More

  • Married and Wants to Be Stoned for Homosexual Acts

    I'm a Muslim living in Ireland, married to an Irish woman, one day under alcohol I had sex with an Irish boy twice within about 40 days. Now I'm regret and am ashamed of myself and I don't know what to do. I feel so humiliated and don't pray to Allah with these sins even I'm repenting now. I still feel Allah will not forgive me, I shoud be stoned for.. More

  • Committing Major Sins without Knowing Their Seriousness

    If someone did something that he knew was haram but he didn't know that it was from the kaba'ir, did he get a sin that is from the kaba'ir? .. More

  • Parents Want to Restrict Daughter's Islamic Education in Pakistan

    I am an undergraduate student of computer sciences in Pakistan. Recently I joined an institution ,madrassah,for a 2 years short course to learn Quran Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh and Arabic Language. But now my parents have stopped me from going there. For past 2 or 3 yrs or more perhaps, I have been attending lectures and all...arranged in the community by.. More

  • Limiting One's Respect for Other Scholars

    What do you say about a person who follows only one or two scholars and adopt their opinions leaving others? .. More

  • Wants Forgiveness for Money He Stole

    if someone had stolen money from relatives (not only father or mother) & he wants god to forgive him. what would he do? knowing that he does not know the amount of money he had stolen exactly .. More

  • Wants to stand firm in spite of being in corrupt atmosphere

    I have a few questions about Islam which I sincerely hope you answer. 1) I am studying in Saudi Arabia and in an Indian School, in such a corrupt atmosphere, where many students are spoiled by dirty movies and Internet, I assure you that I am a good Muslim, What should I do to prevent myself going astray? Some students mock at me for being religious. .. More

  • Dhikr said before marital sex

    What is the dhikr said by the husband and his wife before having intercourse?.. More

  • Supplications for Ghusl and Wudu

    Can you e-mail me all the Du'as for ghusl & wudu with translations? .. More