Search In Fatwa

1041 fatwas

  • Meaning of Dulook shams (17:78)

    My question concerns Surah 17 verse78 (17:78) the word "dooluk shams" Most sheikhs translate this word as "zawaal" (post meridian) but according to Qur'an it means the dawn or when the sun appears with the radish color. So what is your comment according to Arabic language, Qur'an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)?.. More

  • Qur'an contest

    We are an Islamic center in Canada that plan on having a contest about the Noble Quran during the month of Ramadan, InshaAllah, and it will be in the following form: Printing the contest booklet and selling it to participants at a nominal price. Spending the price of the booklets on the costs of the contest (e.g. printing, prizes, etc) Spending.. More

  • Sanam (the peak) of Qur'an

    Which SurahisCalled (sanam al-Quran )?.. More

  • Reading Qur'an to improve one's eyesight

    How to get better eyesight. Some say by reading Qur'an everyday as my children eyesight is very bad at the age of 8. Please advice... More

  • Manna and Salwa

    What type of food was Manna-was-salwa? Where did it used to grow and is there any of it in this present world? Was it sent down from the skies, and if so by whom?.. More

  • Memorizing the Qur'an after 18 years old

    I am 18 years old. Do you think its too late for me to memorize the Qur'an? i know how to read Arabic but do you think being 18 years old is too late to memorize the whole Qur'an? Am I too old now? .. More

  • Studying for exams, reading Qur'an and prayer

    If we have an exam we should study. Can we study for exam instead of reading Holy Qur'an or should we say our prayer very quickly for the sake of exam?.. More

  • Purification before reading translated Qur'an

    When reading a translation of the Qur'an Sharif such as an English one, is it required to perform Wudu as with the Arabic version? Does it make a difference that there is no Arabic writing in the translation although the meaning is the same?.. More

  • Reciting Bismillah before reciting Qur'an

    Is it necessary to recite Bismillah before reciting Qur'an if I am starting recitation from a portion of Qur'an which is not start of a Surah? Kindly answer with some proof from Hadith/Qur'an?.. More

  • The earth is round in shape

    Is it true that Sheik Bin Baz (may Allah have mercy on him) gave a Fatwa that the earth is flat? Can I have the text of the Fatwa?.. More

  • Dying Without Memorizing the Whole Quran

    If you die without memorizing the Quran, do you go to hell? .. More

  • Meaning of Qur'anic verse (7:96)

    I want to know the meaning of the following verse:.... "And if the people of the towns had believed and had the Taqwa (piety), certainly, we should have opened for them blessings from the heaven and the earth, but they believed (the Messengers). so we took them (with punishment) for what they used to earn (polytheism and crimes)." In some.. More

  • Women learning Qur'an

    Is it allowed for women to learn the Qur’an by heart? .. More

  • Meaning of Qur'an (65:4)

    My question is as follows: The interpretation of the meaning of the Qur'an of verse No. 4 of Surah Al-Talaq (65) Allah Says “And those who have no courses….” – meaning a small girl – then their prescribed period is 3 months. Is it possible for a small girl who does not yet have a menstruation to get married? Please send me the answer.. More

  • Explanation of Qur'an (18:86)

    In Surah Al-Kahf Ayah (18:86) it says that the setting place of the Sun is in a muddy spring. Does this go against modern scientific knowledge? It is well known that the Sun does not set in a muddy spring. Many people claim that unlike the Bible and Torah, the Qur’an is free of scientific mistakes. I am aware that the Qur’an has many miracles.. More