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1341 fatwas

  • Suffering from Depression Because of Not Achieving Goals

    Selaam alaykum,I am a Muslim young male suffering from depression and stress. I have been suffering for a long time that I’m not even testing the sweetness of my life. Alhamdulillah I pray five times a day and stayed away from many temptations and haram things like women, alcohol etc.. and I make a lot of dua’s and prayers. After all I have seen.. More

  • Using Odin 3 Software

    Ruling on using software name odin 3 to flash phone it shirk to use because name relating to Germanic mythology?Should i destroy my phone. .. More

  • Starting a TV Channel With Sharee’ah Violations

    salam. some brothers want to start a tv channel with the intention of giving good alternatives to haram tv programs. but they cant initially give 100% halal programs but they can be a good long term prospect in favor of Islam and their programs will include both Islamic Programs and programs with some shariah violations(for example, ads and musical.. More

  • Abortion of Fetus with Down Syndrome

    Can you abort a baby that has down syndrome, since it's a genetic chromosome disorder that can't be cured? usually you can know if a baby have down syndrome between 9 to 12 weeks during pregnancy. .. More

  • Boasting with One’s Food and Spreading It on Social Media

    Assalamu alykum warahmatal Allah. The Permisibilty or otherwise for a muslim to be showing the food he/she eate on whatapps status to other poeple to view and know his life standard?. Jazakumullah bi khair .. More

  • Searching For a Husband in Islamic Matrimonial Sites

    Are single, Muslim ladies allowed to enter Islamic matrimonial sites to find a suitable hubsand? .. More

  • Downloading Websites, Books and Journals That Have Unlawful Logos

    In websites of books and journals,logo of their publishers may be unlawful in nature, and it is displayed in websites & in their published works. What is rulings about them? Can I use these websites & read published works if I download only those what are permissible even they contain these logos? .. More

  • Needs to Go to Places Where There Is Music

    Assalamu Alaykum. We know that it is prohibited to sit in a place where people are sinning like listening to music. I got some fatwas saying that it is permissible to sit there if there is a need. Meaning a not a big or dire need. A small need like a muslim wants to cool down in a hot day. Goes into a air conditioned room, ovwr there peole are listening.. More

  • Very Obsessed With Whispers

    Assalamualaikum wrwb brother these days i am suffering from alot of waswasRecently i had a waswasa about forming the intention of umrah. To recheck in my heart i told a statement that i am forming an intention for umrah which i denied immediately. what happened then is at several other instances i again repeated the same statement in my mind as if i.. More

  • Whispers about The Impurity of Water

    Assalamualaikum i have been suffering from ocd for quite a long time but recently the hostel i stay in the water supply was contaminated with drainage water so i started using bottled water i stay in hostel for studies but the problem is the people here use that dirty water only and they spread impurity everywhere so when i wash my self with pure water.. More

  • Affected With Whispers about Kufr

    Is it kufr if somebody reads or listens to the quran and looks at non mahram women without desire? It happens that they enter the mosque and people look if it is male or female and if they know the person, after realizing the turn their gaze away. So is it kufr if one repeadly looks without any reason while beeing in the mosque and listening to the.. More

  • Whispers About Worship And Matters of Faith

    Assalaamu-Alaikum,I'm writing with the hope that you can advise me in this matter which I am struggling with.I have been affected and have been struggling with Waswas relating to worship for many years.It first started some years ago when I started trying to reform myself and my religious commitments.I have since tried to remain diligent in my duties,.. More

  • Obsessed With Whisperings When Performing Istinjaa'

    Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh The male private part(the one on the front) has an opening right, where urine exits the body, usually after urinating i wash it, so i dont only wash the private part outwardly but i also open it and pour water into it. So i wash a bit of the skin inside too. Sometimes it happens that a piece of my underwear.. More

  • Downloaded Web Series and Making Available for Free

    recently I maked a blogger website on Which I put link of Netflix webseries movies Wich I got from other websites those giving them for free I copied those download link and shrinked them and posted them on website so I want to know that is it Haram or halal? I am confused beacause I am just sharing them not stealed and upload them but I am shrinking.. More

  • Affected with Whispers about Impurity

    Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhuMy question is regarding the water flowing out while washing clothes in washing machineI have placed dirty (or may be impure) clothes in the automatic washing machine along with deteegent.During "washing" process of the machine,i could see the water along with detergent foam overflowing from the outlet and.. More