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1341 fatwas

  • Watching Japanese Animated Cartoons

    What is the ruling on watching a japanese anime in which the actors have "chakra" as a source of energy and who can use this "chakra" for special attacks like attacking with fire or water from their mounth's or constructing a wall from earth? If it is not permissible is the danger of quitting islam by watching these kinds of anime's? .. More

  • Affected with Whispers about Purity

    Asalamu alaykum I suffer from strong Was’was in many areas such as apostasy and impurity and I am trying to get rid of it so I can live like other people without constantly worrying about going to jahannam because I have a impurity on me for instance. And some of the time I feel what could be close certainty or could even be certainty that a impurity.. More

  • Whispers about Kufr

    Salamualikum sheikh, i have this problem and perviously it was cured and it was no more but it came back . The problem is that i get an urge to laugh at kufr statements , islamic matters , intrusive thought etc . It was cured but it came back . I was lying down and i had a thought of mocking those who have their garments above the ankle i had a feeling.. More

  • Whispers about Impurity in the Bathroom

    Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhHow many times can a najasa be passed on? My mother washed shoes wich had najasa on them in the bathroom, while washing najis water probably dropped on the floor, she wiped it with pure water that also dropped on the floor while washing the shoes, she didnt do more than thisIf someone walks in the bathroom.. More

  • Using Islamic Videos That May Contain Islamic Violations

    Asalamu alaikum. I have a bunch of Islamic lectures I want to upload to YouTube but am a little bit worried about the ads as some have haram content music etc. Will I get a sin for the ads that play when people watch my videos .. More

  • Whispers About Impurity in Her House

    Salam sheikh,A wet impurity from my clothes that needed to be washed touched the top of my left shoe (not visible though) while I pick them up to the washing machine and I washed my left shoe along with showering (just to save time). The impurity has been washed away. However, later I discover that there are some black water stains in the edge of the.. More

  • Going to Places Where There Is Music

    Assalamu Alaikum,Is it permissible to sit in places in which there is sin or people are listening to music or backbiting? If there is a need. Like one is on a public transport or one is attending in a intivation etc. People are backbiting.So if one needs to cool down and goes to shopping complex in which there is AC and there is TV. People are watching.. More

  • Affected by Whispers about the Transfer of Impurity from Her Hands

    I have recently found out that impurity transfers through wetness but however before I did not know this and I would touch light switches, door handles and all the finishings in my house with wet impure hands. Now everytime I touch these things with wet pure hands do my hands become impure considering I have touched these things previously with wet.. More

  • Cases That Make Cosmetic Surgery Permissible

    Salaam AlaykumI am a woman and was wondering in which cases cosmetic surgery is allowed in Islam?I have a pretty big (abnormal) gap between my lips and my nose (philtrum), which makes me look very masculine, and it bothers me and lowers my self-esteem. Is it allowed for me to have a cosmetic surgery to shorten the gap? .. More

  • No Islamic Preponderant Benefit in Seeing Films

    salam. its a fiqhi principle that a small harm can be tolerated for a greater benefit. the entertainment industry is full of haram and we have very few halal alternatives. so we need halal songs, movies, etc. to produce halal songs and movies, we need to learn the technology(in case of movies, which might involve watching some scened with women without.. More

  • Loses Khushoo' in Prayer Due to Whispers

    I get these whispers for example in Salah and I lose Kushoo saying “so what if Allah is infront of me while I pray” then other times I understand how big of a deal it is and what it means if Allah is infront of me and I have more Kushoo. What should I do? .. More

  • Questions about Kufr and Other Issues by a Person Affected with Whispers

    Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu Is it shirk if someone says to another person, "you are the best", like you are the best mum or brother or sister. And what about if someone asks another person to put an alarm for fajr just in case he sleeps through his own so his brother can help wake him up. Is this shirk? Also if there was a sign and someone.. More

  • Loving Electronic Sports Games Is Not Kufr

    Alsalam alaikumif someone say he likes fifa the game did he do kufr because the game contain's shirk like the clothes and flag so by him saying that did he say indirectly kufr? another example is someone saying i like england does that mean he like's the kufr that it contain's like the flag and so on ? or does it depend on intention ? .. More

  • Affected With Whispers about Divorce

    As salamu alaikum. Please urgently answer my query because my sanity, life and faith depends on it. I suffer from severe waswas and feel like I would kill myself or go insane. I remember an incident where my husband insulted Allah SWT ( Naujubillah) and repented. We later had an issue of conditional talaq (could be tripple). As I have severe anxiety.. More

  • Waswaas about Her Husband and Her Marriage

    I am in a complicated situation. Me and my husband had a case where he uttered a severe insult to Allah SWT in anger. He repented immediately. Few years later, he said words of a conditional divorce that might lead to tripple divorce (repitition was mentioned). We got a fatwa from reliable scholar that it did not count because he did not have intention.. More